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  • #16
    my chain has come off and i do know what you mean birdy


    • #17
      My chain came off [ detached from the cap] and now lives in the bottom of the tank....very happily


      • #18
        Given all the info from you high time pilots I,ll ask me mate (pilots brother in law) if he has any further info on how the fuel siphoned and how was the diagnosis performed . As you say you have flown similar machines and had no issues with the fuel cap off. Cheers Kon


        • #19
          Given all the info from you high time pilots I,ll ask me mate (pilots brother in law) if he has any further info on how the fuel siphoned and how was the diagnosis performed . As you say you have flown similar machines and had no issues with the fuel cap off. Cheers Kon It doesnt sound quite right, however, might have been a combination of things happening and that the cap not being in place, may have assisted with the loss of fuel at a much higher rate than if the cap was on. Some caps actually seal pretty well and you wonder how they allow enough air in.


          • #20
            Wouldnt matter wether the cap was on or off, fuel isnt go"n to fall out, unless you go negative, but in this little choppy, if you went neg long enuff for fuel to fall out the filler, your dead already.If the cap is off, all you loose is vapour, and itll take along time to drain a tank if you go"n to evaporat it out.Sum tank setups can allow for sum venturi effect to suc fuel outa an open filler, but buggerall, coz youd have to be flyn pretty fast for the venturi to be strong enuff to suck outa a 2" filler hole.

