Carb ice is applicable to 912 engines the turbo on the 914 heats up the air before the airbox.The first Mto 3"s had a problem with the fuel pick up in the tanks. The pickup line sucked in air when the gyro pitched up or down that resulted in engine failures. One gyro had 15 litres of fuel left when it flamed out.This problem was corrected in the MTO 3 sport.Quoted from another forum, pilot has an ATPL and is a captain.
FO Gyro wrote:
Had a forced lob yesterday in my MT-03. At the time I had 9 litres of fuel remaining, and at my cruise speed, my cruise fuel flow was 12 litres per hour. This equated to 45 minutes fuel remaining.The problem is the shape of the fuel tank. If one adopts a nose down pitch, the engine can and will become fuel starved as the outlet pipe becomes exposed. After some rough running, and a complete loss of power, I declared a MAYDAY call, and landed in the middle of a rough gravel road, in the middle of a vineyard near Stellenbosch. Fortunately no damage to persons or property. My recommendation is that MT-03 owners should consider 15 litres as unusable for the reasons as mentioned above.
FO Gyro wrote:
Had a forced lob yesterday in my MT-03. At the time I had 9 litres of fuel remaining, and at my cruise speed, my cruise fuel flow was 12 litres per hour. This equated to 45 minutes fuel remaining.The problem is the shape of the fuel tank. If one adopts a nose down pitch, the engine can and will become fuel starved as the outlet pipe becomes exposed. After some rough running, and a complete loss of power, I declared a MAYDAY call, and landed in the middle of a rough gravel road, in the middle of a vineyard near Stellenbosch. Fortunately no damage to persons or property. My recommendation is that MT-03 owners should consider 15 litres as unusable for the reasons as mentioned above.