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Clubs & Associations

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Central Australia Sport Aircraft Inc
Central Australia Sport Aircraft Inc have a small collection of ultralights, gyrocopters and smaller GA and operate every Saturday from Bond Springs Airstrip, about 25ks North from Alice Springs.
Topics: 2 Posts: 10
Last Post: gyro pilots
2 10
by birdy
Darwin Rotorcraft Club
*defunct* posts kept for history only
Topics: 2 Posts: 16
Last Post: gone
2 16
Hunter Valley Gyro Club
The Hunter Valley Gyro Club operates every second weekend at our clubs Airfield at Murrumbo NSW (15km East of Bylong). Two seat training available. Visit our website for flying dates and directions, all welcome.
Topics: 11 Posts: 37
11 37
by asra
Moruya Light Aviators
Moruya Light Aviators meets and flies at Moruya Airport on an irregular basis.They have training facilities available for light aviation and we have one 2 seat gyro trainer available by arrangement and another 2 seat trainer hopefully up and running by spring 2004.
Topics: 5 Posts: 38
5 38
Northern Rivers Gyro Club Inc.
Northern Rivers Gyro Club Inc. is located at Evans Head Memorial Airfield and meet monthly. They conduct training with full facilities available. Their web site can be found at Forum subscriptions to this club are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
by Boaty
SA Rotor Club Inc
SA Rotor Club Inc is a small club which operates between a couple of private properties in South Australia. Forum subscriptions to this club are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 23 Posts: 122
23 122
South East Queensland Gyroplane Club Inc
South East Queensland Gyroplane Club Inc generally meet on the second full weekend every month at Wondai Airport. Forum subscriptions to this club are advised by e-mail of any topic updates. Contact for the secretary - Bruce Layt 07 3266 6800.
Topics: 167 Posts: 281
167 281
Sydney Gyrocopter Club
Sydney Gyrocopter Club regularly fly out of Rylstone, 3hrs north west of Sydney, near Mudgee. we typically fly the first weekend of each month.Forum subscriptions to this club are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 10 Posts: 124
Last Post: sydney club
10 124
by almar
Tasmanian Gyro Rotorcraft Club
Tasmanian Gyro Club operate a small but keen gathering in Tasmania. Forum subscriptions to this club are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 7 Posts: 25
7 25
Victorian Sport Rotorcraft Association
Victorian Sport Rotorcraft Association has full training facilities available and operate on a regular basis. Forum subscriptions to this club are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
WA Superlight Aircraft Club of WA.
Flys most Weekends from Bindoon (Abandoned)80km from Perth GPO. Club Flying Day is 2nd Sunday of Month. Multi faceted and gyro friendly. Sport Aircraft focused Fixed Wing & Rotory Wing, Ultralights, Gyro's, Gliders and all types of experimental aircraft. Forum subscriptions to this club are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 31 Posts: 267
31 267