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Tips & Resources
Forums | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
Builders Tips 'n' Tricks
Here we can share our idea's on how we build our machines. If you have a tip or suggestion, enter this forum to tell us how or what you did and the construction methods you used. Subscriptions to this forum are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 121
Posts: 2,289
Last Post:
582 choke mechanism
121 | 2,289 | |
Construction Resources
Here we have a list of resources for building gyroplanes. When adding a topic, try and keep them grouped for example, Aluminium Supplies, Rotor Blades, Rotor Heads etc. Subscriptions to this forum are advised by e-mail of any topic updates.
Topics: 55
Posts: 709
Last Post:
6061T6 material
55 | 709 | |
Flying tales and experiences
Exactly what it says, this forum is available to those who wish to share their experiences with other pilots or student pilots. Forum subscriptions are informed by e-mail.
Topics: 98
Posts: 878
Last Post:
ABC Backroades, Scottsdale, Tasmania -
98 | 878 | |
Pilot techniques and suggestions
This board offers suggestions about pilot technique and ability with flying a gyroplane. Correct procedures to approach and take-off from airfields including the use of radio.
Topics: 35
Posts: 640
Last Post:
Emergency landing options
35 | 640 | |
Rotor Blades
This forum provides any information relating to the design and availability of rotor blades. It may also be used to advertise the sales of rotor blades.
Topics: 68
Posts: 802
Last Post:
pitch blocks adhesive
68 | 802 | |
Technical Information
Here we offer any technical information available which relates to gyroplanes in general. We will also find any directives necessary to the development of gyroplanes and safety of the pilots.
Topics: 192
Posts: 2,462
Last Post:
ATR500 VHF wiring to UHF
192 | 2,462 | |
Theory of Flight
The topics in this forum are directed to the theory of how the gyroplane flys, its stability and design.
Topics: 25
Posts: 524
25 | 524 |
by mad max
30-08-2017, 10:58 PM
This forum is availble to those who wish to share their training techniques and experiences with others. It may be used to provide information about instructors training facilities and general availability of services as well as training dates.
Topics: 101
Posts: 1,429
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Training Videos
101 | 1,429 |