Bit slow to catch up here- been out of it to long.Just came acros the topic comparing xenon and mto with butterflys thrown in for good measure???while the topic was not based around accident vs incident I could not believe certain peoples ideas on what costitutes an accident.I wonder how many "incidents" go unreported and should have been down in statistics as an accident.The topic is clearly explained in the ATSB investigation act (please excuse any tecnical inaccuracies).I havent found my old ASRA manuals yet but I imagine they would be similar to ra-aus wich in very short form says an accident is an occurrence associated with the operation of the a/c from when you embark for a flight till you disembark in wich a person suffers serious injury or death or the a/c suffers damage that adversely affects its structural strength, performance or flight characteristics(I think a broken mast for instance, would cover this).There is obviously more to it But its not rocket science and to say accidents are only incidents could possibly filter through to become more than a slight misinterpretation and be very dangerous to other pilots that may not be aware do to poor reporting. Brand name bias should never be allowed to get in the way of correct reporting. Sorry if I have missed were others have already addressed this as I have said I am still Catching up.