Paul, couple of questions if you dont mind.I know its early dayswith the Firebird but you should have some idea of things now and besides I need a clearer picture in my minds eye so's I can gobrmmmm brmmmm too, while we are waiting !1. Do you think Firebird will be okay flying mostly one out, or will it need a great lump in the passenger seat ? Balance wise etc.2. will the panel go across the cab like an RAF or boxed like aSparrowhawk ? The RAF style may give more space and be lighter ?3.Something to ponder on. Could Firebird be modified to be singlecontrol rather than duel ? I think I would like the passenger areato be clear and unobstructed. Save a little weight also.I like the type of undercarriage that you plan to fit.People are used to seeing this arrangement on Cessna's and stuff soit should give it that factory rather than homebuilt look. This may be a factor if you are trying to lure a Govermint Bod or a youngthing in a mini skirt on board. So if you dont mind I will have twoof these thanks,( undercarriage ) one on each side.Tar.Image Insert: 79.38