Hi Dewie and all. Been home 7 weeks now after almost 8 month in hospital. The body is coming along nicely BUT too slow for me!!! The mind still plays tricks occaisionally having me thinking that life is not worth it!!! Those thoughts are getting fewer and fewer thankfully.I have a driving assessment next month and should pass that as I have been practising around the paddock in both manual and auto.
I go back to hospital in a couple of weeks overnight to have some minor adjustments to a web of skin under my right arm pit and to inject steroids into some raised itchy areas. I should be able to run faster with the steroids. 
Even though I had 50% burns my face was not affected. It is still ugly but not as ugly as the right side of my chest and right arm. With a long sleeve shirt and long trousers now one would know I have been so badly burnt.Aussie Paul.
Me about 4 weeks ago trying the self timer on my camera.
