Just in from a couple hours agoBrisbane Times ReportBigpond News ReportA man has been killed in a gyrocopter crash east of Adelaide near the Murray River.The crash occurred about 1pm (CDT) on Tuesday, a few kilometres from the riverside town of Mannum,and was reported to police from houseboats on the river, police said.Police and emergency services reached the scene to find a man, aged about 50, had died.It is not known whether anyone else was hurt in the crash.Does anyone know who this might have been?Very sad regardless
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Mannum Accident
Hi All,As Reported on the AdelaideNow Website the pilot was Terry Arnold.http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/s...4-2682,00.htmlIts a real bloody shame,
Gidday Gents & Gals,Preliminary inspection has not revealed any anomolies that would have prevented the normal operation of the gyro prior to ground impact. Disassembly and inspection is continuing.Witness statements are inconsistent and varied as is normally the case and may prove inconclusive.Weather at the time was fine and hot and is being considered.No known video of the last moments and no GPS located in the wreckage.Very light gyro (198 kgs MT), 27" rotors!!!!Investigation continues.Allan WardillASRA Incident Registrar
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Guys,Let"s not turn this into a disagreement on optimum loadings.This must be considered and an attempt made to balance low disc loading against experience as a contributory cause. Terry was used to flying in the ambient conditions he encountered in that area on the day. But, in the absence of other factors, it must be considered.Please start another thread for further discussion on disc loadings.Thanks.Waddles
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Gents,It has been brought to my attention that this section of this Forum is designed for discussion re accidents, their possible cause and consequences etc.Therefore, my post above is out of line in that I actively tried to dissuade discussion on the circumstances surrounding a fellow member"s death, exactly what this section is designed for.I apologise to all for my post above and ask you to disregard its contents.In future, official comments on events such as this will be posted under "ASRA News and Information", leaving this section free for your discussion.Regards,Allan Wardill
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Elise and I met Terry at Lameroo, where I believe he was Grand Champion for the Nationals 2007.Terry seemed like a very nice fellow. Easy to talk to and always smiling and happy. Condolences to his friends, the SA rotorcraft club at Lameroo and to Terry"s family.MitchLameroo 07 was where I met Terry. Had a good chat to him in the "Forced Landing" when we had some down time while waiting for the collapsed undercarriage gyro to be carted off. Terry was in the line just in front of me and during the chat he said he didnt have many hours up so I gave him my best "talk" to hopefully soothe any nerves that he might have had, so much so that he won the forced landing with me coming in 2nd place!! :-[The tables were turned in the speed estimation for the nav part but