Rotax Model 99 582 Oil Injected.During a touch and go I herd a loud bang, like hitting a rock with a bat, after which a different sound appeared like flapping foil. As I had just taken off and ran out of runway, I opted for a very fast 50 ft circuit and landed.As I slowed to a safe taxi speed I turned to check the motor and found a huge plume of smoke billowing from my motor.I then immediatly killed the motor and exited.On close inspection I found the oil injection bottle leaking oil onto the exhaust manifold, causing all the smoke.Luckely it was only smoke and no flames.After a closer inspection I found one of the 2 origional Rotax Oil injection bottle mounting bolt and nut missing.This allowed oil to flow out of the hole onto the hot exhaust.The bolt must have rattled off during landing and took a nice chunk out of my prop. The flapping noise came from the damaged leading edge foil. I found the bolt inside the oil tank. For thoughs who operate a oil injected Rotax 582 I recommend you check these nuts and bolts, and if possible replace the standard nut with a nylock nut.After a good clean she is as good as new except for the prop, but that is fixable.Safe Flying Regards Sam. [
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