Unfortunately the UFO and I had an incident last weekend whilst taxying. The UFO has 56 hours and I have 34 with it now.And yes Waddles has been notified, verbally and written.The wheel/axle/backing plate and spat separated from the outer port struts at the weld, and as we know an aluminium weld is never considered a srtuctural joint; however there had been provision for bolting the backing plate to the slug inside the strut but for some reason hadn't been.The pics don't show it clearly but there had been a crack in the weld for some time and there was also poor penetration of the weld into the other surfaces, combine that with a heavyish landing earlier in the day and the end result looks like this....Image Insert:
79.05 KBImage Insert:
75.54 KBNow it is rebuild time with all new components, and replace the starboard side as well.Regards,ChristopherLockwood Sth. VIC(Secretary RAV Inc.)Speaking without thinking; is like shooting without taking aim - Spanish Proverb
