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Ultralight crash, An extremely high level of responsibility is attached to the right to fly.

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  • Ultralight crash, An extremely high level of responsibility is attached to the right to fly.

    See this article about a guy who crashed in Bass Straight, at the time of the crash, Hector held a pilot's certificate - and not a pilot's licence - which only permitted him to fly less than 25 nautical miles from his departure point.
    An underqualified New South Wales pilot who crashed his ultralight aircraft into Bass Strait in 2013 avoids imprisonment and says he is still mates with the passenger he almost killed.
    Remember: no matter where you go, there you are

  • #2
    A pioneering aviation spirit perhaps and indefinably very misplaced faith in the two stroke rotax .

    Taking a passenger along could be seen to stretching the boundary on wisdom.


    • #3
      Good that I checked the Regs first for gyros 👍


      • #4
        Originally posted by jeff b View Post
        Good that I checked the Regs first for gyros 👍
        A Bass Strait crossing would look good on any gyro pilots CV Jeff b😜


        • #5
          Yeah, true Rick but you definitely wont see a Bass straight crossing on my CV . 20 years ago I would have but not today !


          • #6
            Very happy to see this come into view! :-) Click image for larger version

Name:	Tasmania!.JPG
Views:	123
Size:	66.2 KB
ID:	35981


            • #7
              I think crossing Bass Strait in a gyro would take a huge set of kahunas, mind you doing it in someone else's aircraft helps.


              • #8
                nice straight string on that too. I can't get that when I fly in a cabin every 2 years for my BFR. give me open frame any day .


                • #9
                  I agree. Open cockpit is my favourite too :-). The East coast of Tassie is fantastic. I've been very fortunate and have quite a few flying hrs down there instructing 👍

