When are the members of ASRA likely to see the Financial Statements for the last three years. From memory I think we have only seen one in that time.Life Member
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Questions re ASRA Finances
On 16th April 200917th April 2009 the President replied that he would look into it. As I still have heard nothing from him, and we as Members haven’t seen any Financial Statements in our Gyro News magazine for a very long time, I asked the question on the Forum, so all Forum members could see the reply. Unfortunately that still leaves a very high percentage of our members not knowing anything about the organisation’s finances though, as they either don"t access the internet, or don"t want to go on the Forum!Now we finally have the draft Statement of Income & Expenditure for Year Ended 30th June 2009 posted on the Forum, so we can compare it with Year Ended 30th June 2008. It shows that for last year there was a total amount of $150 shown as income from Advertising in Gyro News magazine.And yet all advertisements are to be paid for in advance of the magazine being published. And the magazine has a lot of advertisements in it.I did a rough calculation just as an example, so members can be aware of the income we should expect to receive from advertisements that appeared in the last 4 editions of Gyro News (this is not a financial year).I used the rates published in the magazine, and these calculations are only approximates:Winter 2009
Two weeks have gone by since my post about the apparent lack of payment for advertising in Gyro News, and not one reply has been received from the President or any Board Member. I"ve only been waiting on the President"s reply since 16th April 2009!What the heck is going on with ASRA finances?Who is the Treasurer?Do we even have a Treasurer?Doesn"t anyone know? This is pathetic!And we have an election coming up soon! None of them deserve to be re-elected! Heaven help us, not one of them was actually elected anyway!Time for members to have a say in who represents us on the ASRA Board.How about some people with a bit of responsibility and common sense holding up their hands for a completely new Board?
Dear Llewella,Firstly thank you for your kind comments.I have been content to sit back in recent years and ignore your constant sniping and backstabbing but I agree with you the ASRA members need some answers.When I was asked to take over as President a few years back I inherited what could best be described as "a mess"Most of the Board had resigned and ASRA was being held together by the efforts of people like Ian Scanzerla who refused to abandon the sinking ship,like you, and try to recover.And you have the nerve to say none of us was actually elected? Sorry for saving ASRA.So you want to talk about finances??? When the new Board took over the accounts hadn"t been audited for TWO years under YOUR presidency.The auditor finally had to draw "a line in the sand" and start from there.CASA were also a hairs breath away from withdrawing funding and accreditation from ASRA. A fact recently disclosed to us.ASRA was brought to the brink purely from you and your husbands ruthless pursuit of Honorable people like Tim McClure for you own agenda and the fact that other opinions or facts meant nothing to you.When you asked an independent person (Mark Regan) who is a barrister for an unbiased legal opinion he quickly became public enemy number one as the outcome didn"t agree with your version.This culminated in Johns disgusting verbal attack on Mark at the recent ASRA nationals in Perth.Why didn"t you ask me about ASRA"s finances then? Is it because you would rather try to purvey to members via this forum that some sort of conspiracy is occurring and cant let an opportunity for putting **** on the Board to go by?The ASRA accounts have been reprinted here for all members to see and the income from advertising will no doubt be in the audited accounts at the end of this financial year.I encourage any ASRA member to run for the Board. What you can expect is hard work, constant meetings and phone calls, and backstabbing ungratefull and pathetic misery from members Like Llewella.Regards,Murray Barker.
P.S. We have just gone through a two day audit with CASA and were given the indacation we are at the top of the tree as far as as sport aviation bodies are concerned.This is due to people like Allan Wardill and others who"s eforts keep us up thereLlewella, ring him up and tell him he is pathetic (your words) and doesnt deserve to be on the Board.
Llewella, ring him up and tell him he is pathetic (your words) and doesnt deserve to be on the Board.For anyone who bad mouths Allan, or any volenteer board member, ill put my hand up for hangman.Im liven on the edge of the Simpson desert, but that dont mean im getn left out.Not once have i rung up any board member [ and i ring a few occasionaly] and been short changed on attention.Anyone who cant use a fone shouldnt be flyn.If you need to know anythn, for f%$# sake, help yourself.Personaly, i dont see a need for the meeting minuits or cashflow stuff to be in the gyro news to start with.Iv never read that stuff, not interested, and it dose take a few pages sumtimes. But, if you need to know this stuff [ to which all members are privi, but i wouldnt say ASRA is obliged to inform], and still have two legs n a hart beat, ring up. It aint that hard.
" I encourage any ASRA member to run for the Board. What you can expect is hard work, constant meetings and phone calls, and backstabbing ungratefull and pathetic misery from members Like Llewella.".......................And is STILL holding "life membership"...............should never have been issued, but then again she may have "self appointed" those yrs back, just before all the **** hit the fan.Onya bikes the pair of you..................Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr >>
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time
Dum Dum,,,,,, the silence is defening aint it There is more going on behind the scenes now then there ever was when you were on the board Welli, it was nearly all electronic last year and all this takes time, which will hopefully save the volunteer board members some of their personal time, and still have one of the best operating association in Oz.I"m sure they are not sitting around getting paid to have coffeeswink wink (glass houses comes to mind)
Thank you for finally posting some Financial Reports for a limited number of ASRA members to see. Wonder when they will be published in our Quarterly magazine for all the membership to see?I am still awaiting an answer to my question re payment (I mean, lack of payment) for advertising in our quarterly magazine. One can only assume no one knows the answer, and all advertisements are now free? Nor do I have an answer as to whether or not we actually have a Treasurer?I do note with interest that two past Treasurers have made inappropriate comments, but nothing on topic.As for the other dribble in the reply from our President, this topic is “Questions re ASRA Finances†so try and stick to the topic and answer the questions!PS Thanks for the support from the "silent majority". It is appreciate. I am trying to get the answers for you, without much success!
Silent Majority???? Sure the other (More likely the real) Silent Majority are just happy with flying their gyro"s and are happy with the privileges that the board and ASRA have achieved and aren"t really feel worried about the finances (The silent majority would be more than likely pissed at how a couple nearly made ASRA go down the gurgler a few years ago.) they have trust and faith in the current board (This Board isn’t just any old fly by nighter these are trusted people that have been in the association for years, If there were so many people that are worried they would be having Murray"s phone ringing off the hook.As Murray said above:So you want to talk about finances??? When the new Board took over the accounts hadn"t been audited for TWO years under YOUR presidency. The auditor finally had to draw "a line in the sand" and start from there.The ASRA accounts have been reprinted here for all members to see and the income from advertising will no doubt be in the audited accounts at the end of this financial year.So before you get in a complete huff, how about a bit of patience and see what it all looks like after this financial year"s audited accounts come out.Lastly To the ASRA Board (And the silent Volunteers) keep on keeping on, there are people that appreciate your blood, sweat and tears that you volunteers put into the ASRA work. Thumbs Up here.
welli,welli,welli............you"ll go to your grave hating those asra folks that "outed" your empire building, with you and partner as king and queen.For crist sakes..............get over it.( sorting out your mess, took a lot of folks a lot of time...........and you still bleet your cr*p )............unreal." silent majority"......you acting on their behalf.
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time