Gidday All,I"ve been retreaded if not refreshed and now wish to move forwards to get our paperwork in order for the impending introduction of the new regulations.The Technical Manual has not been touched since Issue 4 of the Ops Manual was published. It has become a matter of some urgency and I am seeking assistance in the formation of a Working Group to help with the content and format of this document. It will be necessary as part of the suite of Manuals that we are required to publish under CASR Part 149.I am proposing a group of about 5 or 6 experienced TAs and/or gyro builders to join the group. I already have 1 volunteer but more are needed. Access to emails on a fairly regular basis will be necessary as well as a willingness to actively and constuctively participate in electronic discussions. I would anticipate that this project will be in the pipeline for around 12 months, running parallel with the group detailed below.Several comments and complaints re the ASRA Flight Training syllabus and documentation has been noted. In respopnse to this, I propose a further Working Group, again of 5 or 6 experienced Instructors and interested parties to assist with the re-write of the Flight Training syllabus and the revision of the current Operations Manual. Again regular electronic discussions will be a prerequisite for membership of the group with a view to completion within 12 months.Neither of these groups will be a secret committee as such. Once their composition has been finalised I will advise you all on this forum.Please reply direct to me at or for your time.Allan Wardill.PS. In line with comments I have read on this forum, I will sign all "official" posts with my name, whilst non-official posts will be signed with my forum name "waddles".
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An Invitation
Allan,Though I am neither a TA nor an instructor I would be pleased to assist in what ever manner possible in relation to this work, I feel it incumbent on me to do so, but I will not exclude the contributions of others as they are essential.I will note that it may be a good idea at this point in time to make an electronic copy of the manual available for any and all members to make a contribution on, specifically if an instructor or TA has points of order to make in relation to the manual that they may copy that portion and make suggested modifications to same, publish it here and then await commentary on same. This site is capable of polling of members for approval of such amendments and the process is very public and therefore not improper in relation to scrutineering, so, any mods can be suggested, explained and substantiated, reviewed critically and edited appropriately and then on completion published as a definitive work of not one person but 400 odd experienced hands. We must make specific a requirement of some sort to include current manufacturers of any componentry, as it is imperative that what we "wish for" is actually able to be manufactured - no point specifying what has to be made when such things cannot be achieved due to tooling radii and other such "unknowns" for the average pilot making such commentary.If you have access to the manual then please arrange to have it published on the site to [MEMBERS ONLY] for download and commentary.Hope this helps,Nick.
G"Day Nick,Whilst I agree with your comment..."We must make specific a requirement of some sort to include current manufacturers of any componentry, as it is imperative that what we "wish for" is actually able to be manufactured."....I hasten to add, manufacturers are already open to public scrutiny.If you want manufacturers input fine. If you want to re-design every component to every one elses satisfaction then....PASS! ;DThe other thing I wanted to mention was 400 people in a working group of 5 or 6 is a little overcrowded.Let"s get a document from a working group first, latter we can have our input and comment, so we do "not exclude the contributions of others as they are essential." Having said that, I have met you and reckon you probably qualify for volunteering for such a techo minded group and I did enjoy your use of Figjam somewhere else in cyberspace. :-*Good move Allan.I"m not technical enough or smart enough but i can reed and tipe, so let me no. :
Thank you all so far,From exerience, I can assure you all that a working group of 400 is not practical. 5 or 6 is a realistic figure.The Tech Manual will not include the things that Nick refers to. It will define the requirements and it is up to the manufacturer to build in a way that satisfies those requirements.Other than the Ops Manual, no other Manuals are in production. In respect of the Tech Manual, we will probably have to wait for the CASA guidance material to be published before a proper start can be made on this one. Only the operational part of the current Ops Manual will be amended. The Admin and Tech stuff will go into separate manuals and together they will form the Manual Suite.So if there"s something in the current Ops Manual that you don"t like, download a copy from this site and make your suggestions on that. Comments like "this needs to be changed" are not acceptable. If you don"t like it, re-write it the way you want. The group will consider the suggestions.I expect the Groups to be finalised by the end of the week.Regards,Allan Wardill.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Thanks Al,AS a matter of interest, does the RAA have a Tech manual? If so, maybe it can be used as a template. I"m not a member, so can"t say one way or another, but if it is worth pursuing I can slip over to the airport and check out the CFI,CheersFRed
Gidday All,Thank you all for your offers of help here. I have formed the Groups mentioned above and they include the following:Operations: Peter Hrris, Phil Wright, Paul Bruty (if & when available) and Wayne Higgins.Technical: Peter Harris, Phil Wright, Nick Noorman, Fred Roberts Paul Bruty (if & when available) and Wayne Higgins.Greg (Mitch) Mitchell has offered assistance as editor for the final documents.If I have missed anyone out, please email me direct at . We are a bit thin on the Operations side.You will notice Wayne Higgins and you"re saying "who is he?" Wayne is not an ASRA member, does not fly gyros and has only been reading this Forum for a matter of weeks. Nevertheless, he has offered his considerable expertise in the IT field and I have gratefully accepted his offer. His is already working on revising the current diagrams in the Ops Manual and we may well end up with useful illustrations within the Tech Manual as well. Thanks Wayne.Whilst I welcome comments from members, if you post them on this Forum, please also email the contents to me. I don"t have a lot of time to peruse these sites for one reason or another.I am confident that the final product from these groups will produce succinct, plain english guidelines,contained in a Manual that will be readily accepted by CASA and the industry.Thanks again for all your offers.Regards.Allan Wardill.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!