Dear Members,Some will recall that last year, I advised of impending changes to the requirements for the carriage of an approved ELT. I have just received the following advice from CASA:The new versions of CAO 95.12.1, 95.32 and 95.55 will say something similar to the following when it is published. On and after 1 June 2010, an aeroplane to which this Order applies may be flown only if it carries: (a) an approved ELT, or an approved portable ELT, as defined in regulation 252A; or (b) a personal locator beacon that has been approved by CASA for use with such an aeroplane. The requirement will not apply to single seat aircraft or aircraft within 50 nm of the their take off point [this is the scope of regulation 252A]. To put this in reverse, and in the RA-Aus/ASRA context it only applies to 2 seat aircraft more than 50 nm from takeoff point. Depite the last line in the CASA text, ASRA recommends that an approved ELT be carried at all times.Further information will be published in this thread as it comes to hand.Regards,Allan Wardill
No announcement yet.
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) - Mandatory Carriage
I would advise all pilots to carry a beacon at all times, even for a 5 minute flight and if you think they are too expensive, how much is your life worth as these things, once activated will bring the troops a lot quicker and more accurately than a verbal " I"ll be back in 10 minutes".BTW, that price is the best by far & I wish you had shared this info a week earlier
Gidday All,The latest draft of CAO 95.12.1 (that"s for two seaters) indicates that approved 406 beacons will be required for ALL TWO SEAT Sport Aircraft at all times, with effect from July 1st 2010.As a result, when the changes become law, you can expect that the Compliant Gyroplane standards will reflect this requirement as will the Registration Application and Renewal Forms.Two seat gyros that are presented for registration or re-registration after the change will be refused same until this requirement is met. Waddles.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Gents,Don"t forget to register the beacons according to the instructions that come with the unit.Also, it is possible to use the beacon for more than 1 application provided that the appropriate authority is advised of the change and whether or not it is permanent or temporary.Waddles.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!