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Changes to Regulations affecting Gyros

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  • Changes to Regulations affecting Gyros

    Gidday All,I have received advice of the NFRM (Notice of Final Rule Making) which affects CAR 166. This regulation deals with operations at non-towered airports. (but you knew that anyway, right??)Whilst I have yet to thoroughly digest all the changes, when available, I will place here a summary of the changes that will directly affect gyros. An amendment to the Guide to Flight Rules and Procedures will also be necessary as a result of the changes.These changes become effective on June 3rd 2010 and by then you should all have read, understood and absorbed the changes so as to be ready. To help out in this regard, following is a link to the Civil Aviation Advisory Paper (CAAP) issued to explain the changes in plain English. CAAP 166 (1) is the most important: If you have trouble accessing this site, please let me know either here or by email (preferred). Should you post here and need a reply from me, please drop an email as well as I don"t always check this forum on a regular basis.Finally, if you have a mate who does not have access to a computer, please help him out by allowing him access to yours, in order to update himself before the introduction date.Please contact me direct if you have problems.Regards,Allan Wardill.

    In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!

  • #2
    thanks allan. to read CAAP 166 [1] you made it sound like it was just [1]. one paragraph? or maybe one page?, but one was a lot. in saying that , it was fairly easy reading, i was suprised. it makes sense and i could understand it. i think i learnt some new "stuff", which is always good.


    • #3
      Thanks Tony,We do our best to make things a little easier for all.Attached is a brief summary of some of the changes that have been made. The summary is by no means comprehensive, but does cover the important changes and bits that I feel may need reinforcement.You will note the emphasis on the use of radio to supplement the "see and avoid" principles by which we operate. You may also note that it is becoming increasingly difficult to operate to everywhere that we used to without having a radio and most importantly, being qualified to use it. This is not a huge task for the average member who wants to retain reflexibility and increased freedom. The qualification itself is not difficult and a little book time, practice at transmissions and common sense will see almost anybody qualified. If you are interested in purchasing a radio as part of a bulk buy deal, please let Murray Barker know as soon as possible as he is on the point of placing a large order in the hope of getting a bulk buy discount.Finally, I would like to place the attached list as an insert with the next Gyro News so that those not having access to a computer are kept informed. I would ask therefore, that if any of you note any additional points that you think should be included, please let me know. It will be a great help to me. Thanks in anticipation.Fly safe.Waddles.

      In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!


      • #4
        Allan,One other thing that became apparent to me recently is the ruling that the pilots need 30 hrs solo pic to be able to get an aerodrome endorsement.How does one do this if the only place they can fly from is a Non-towered aerodrome(old CATF airstrip)?I feel this needs to be changed in the rules some how, as it seems we are moving to a direction that the changes indicate.Bones


        • #5
          Thanks Bones,Well spotted. I have looked at the situation and have submitted an amendment to the Ops Manual to the Board for approval. This will effectively remove the 30 hour requirement once approved and published.Please note that the requirement for a Flight Radio endorsement as a pre-requisite still stands.I am also considering making a Flight Radio endorsement mandatory for the issue of a pilot certificate. It seems that this is the way aviation is heading and I"m sure those of you that have and use radio will vouch for it"s value. The fact that a member holds a Flight Radio endorsement, does not mean that it has to be used. Any more comments please? Regards,Waddles.

          In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!


          • #6
            Gidday Again All,I think that maybe I need to expand a little on the carriage and use of radio as far as the changes are concerned.Note that there are only six MANDATORY calls in the table in the CAAP, repeated in my summary in this topic above. This effectively means that the calls we have been accustomed to making - turning downwind, turning base, turning final, clear of runway etc are no longer mandatory. They should only be used where there is a necessity to confirm your position in the circuit for the benefit of others who are also in the circuit. This will seriously cut down on nuisance radio traffic in busy areas. It remains however, that if you have lost sight of an aircraft in the circuit or are just not sure where he is, ASK.This should become clear when the amended Guide to FR&P is published.Regards,Waddles.

            In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!


            • #7
              so the next question is. can we expect a radio course in the near future? if yes,you can put down for it,thanks.


              • #8
                muzza, i already have a radio thou , ta!


                • #9
                  Gents,CASA has issued comprehensive briefing material addressing the changes referenced here. It has only been sent to persons holding a CASA ARN (Aviation Reference Number). Due to privacy concerns at the moment, we were unable to provide CASA with a list of member names and addresses which would have resulted in all members receiving the material. In the interim, I have spoke with the CASA Safety Education people and they have advised that if you would like a copy of the package, please email them at, advising that you request the briefing package on the airspace changes that become effective on June 3rd 2010.The package also includes a schedule of face to face briefings that CASA are conducting Australia wide. You may wish to attend one in your area.Regards,Allan Wardill.

                  In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!


                  • #10
                    Tony,The Radio Endorsement doesn"t really require a course. Get hold of the Ultralight Radio Handbook from the Registrar, study that up and you should pass the exam easily.After that, it"s just practice as far as what to say and when and this is covered in the Guide to Flight Rules and Procedures, which incidentally will need to be looked at in the light of the recent changes to airspace rules and the expected amendments to the CAOs due out in July.Regards,Waddles.

                    In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!

