Gidday Members,The expected, exclusive online database which is to incorporate an incident reporting facility, is way behind schedule.Recent changes to the Transport Safety Act in respect of "Occurrence" Reporting mean that all occurrences associated with safety must be reported to the ATSB.This would have effectively meant that reporters would need to submit two reports, one for the ATSB and one for ASRA. This would no doubt result in fewer reports being received. As a result, I have been working with the ASN safety consultants appointed by CASA, to develop an online reporting system that will satisfy both requirements. The format is yet to be accepted by the ATSB and may result in some changes to the version we will use initially, in order to capture the specific fields that the ATSB require. Suggestions for changes submitted by YOU will also be considered.This system has been accepted and approved by the Board of ASRA as the only acceptable Occurrence Reporting system for ASRA members.This is the first of several educational and training aids that will be produced before the system goes "live". Future aids will include a Manual, and a training webinar which will allow you to go online and receive live training with questions and answers afterwards. A hard copy of the report form will be made available on the web and by fax and mail for those not admitting to web availability.THE SYSTEM IS NOT YET "LIVE", SO PLEASE DON"T TRY TO LOG ON AT THIS TIME.I hope that you will find this easy and convenient, and it will certainly reduce the future workload of the Incident Registrar, all at no cost to you or the Association.Please see attached flyer.Regards,Allan Wardill.
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New Incident Reporting System for ASRA
This is a sticky topic.
Gidday Again,We are working to progress this system as soon as possible.Attached here is an introduction to IRIS with the commencement date listed and information on the training webinar date and time. I urge you to join in. Log-in details will be published in due course.More information follows.Regads,Allan Wardill
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Dear Members,We are aware that there are still some members who do not admit to web skills, access or expertise.Therefore, an amended occurrence reporting form has been produced and will be sent by snail mail to those affected. A copy will also be included in the next available Gyro News.A quick note on the submission of paper reports:The Administrator, usually the Incident Registrar will, upon receipt of a paper report, need to transpose the contents to the electronic format. This is time consuming and often requires contact with the reporter due to illegible or incomplete information. It is important therefore, that paper reports are written clearly and completely in a manner that is easily interpreted.A copy of a paper report form is attached for your information.Regards,Allan Wardill
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Gidday All,Bored with this thread yet? Well here"s the last in this series for a while.Attached is the User Manual for IRIS that will guide you through the process involved in submitting a report. It is recommended that you read and understand the contents, then note any questions you have which can be submitted and hopefully answered at the webinar. The webinar will be conducted by ASN with myself and hopefully other Board members participating.Please try not to bombard me with questions before the webinar and preferably not before April 8th when my "vacation" will be over.Regards,Allan Wardill
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Gidday Members,Thanks to "webbie" for posting this on my behalf.There is no limit on the number that can join the webinar and you don"t need to talk unless you have a question. If you don"t want to ask at the webinar and your question is not answered, please email it to me direct and I"ll answer it or get the answer for you. I"ll also post the question and answer on this thread for the benefit of others.For webinars, I can strongly recommend the use of a headset or at least headphones if you have them available.Regards,Allan Wardill.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Gidday Birdy,In a nutshell, a WEBINAR is simply an online training session conducted live using computers. Any computer purchased in the last few years will satisfy the technical requirements for the system as specified above. You can"t see the presenters (or my six pack) and they can"t see you (or the bottle of dark liquid from which you are swigging). You will be "muted" (can"t hear you) during the presentation, but turned on (the mind boggles) for question time. But, you already knew that, right?Whether or not you will need to use the systyem is in the lap of the Gods, but this inaugral webinar will provide ASRA with feedback (hopefully) as to the usefulness of such sessions for future training or information sessions.So mate, if you haven"t registered yet, do it now.Waddles.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Gents,A little more than a day to go before the webinar. Thanks to those who have already registered and I urge those who have not done so to do it now by clicking on the link published above. Software etc. required will be forwarded by separate email after registration. May I suggest that you should start joining the webinar at least 5 mins before 2000. This will allow you time to activate the software, join and become familiar with the screen. Kick off is 2000 (8.00 PM) EST tomorrow night SHARP. I am accutely aware that you all have things to do, so a prompt start will ensure an on time finish.Your feedback is important. A simple "good system" or "too much trouble" or "needs to be modified by ............", is all that is required, but an email with more specific details is not discouraged.From Bones" post above, I realise that I hadn"t thought of this situation. As the presentation uses Power Point, I don"t preceive a difficulty in copying the presentation, formatting it into a Word or PDF document and making it available for those unable to join. I"ll check it out and advise.Thanks for your time.Regards,Allan Wardill.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Thanx for the SCG explination Al.Still duno wot im go"n to gain from it tho, im pretty thick n if you need me to get your point, its gota be bashed into me, and i imagine thatd be abit hard ona poota.But, IF im home by morrow nite, ill see if i can get Lizzy onto it.