A way back in pre-history there were lots of enthusiastic Gyro home builders who frequented this forum with interesting discussions on all technical issues regarding gyro construction and how to stay alive in them in flight. It seems the sport has moved on to the 'rich boys club' Very sad. I guess that's 'advancement'.
No announcement yet.
As an owner of a factory built gyro I guess I am a member of the "rich boys club", my bank account and wife would beg to differ. I agree with you though Max, it is sad that the home builders seem to be reluctant to join the forum as there is a wealth of knowledge out there.
ASRA went to a lot of trouble and expense to get this forum sorted out [still a work in progress] and it is pretty disappointing that it isn't being utilised to its full extent.
I guess we will keep plugging away in the hope that the forum returns to its former glory.
Good answer Rick! If someone is enthusiastic enough I guess they will find the cash. At Kunnanara when my thermostat stuck causing an overheat my wife actually sugested buying a European flash flying machine. I being a stuborn son of a ***** (sorry mum) said that I will sort it out and prove home builts can be reliable. So we have a bit of cash to go on the odd cruise. (But flying gyro's is much more fun)
First time posting on the forum. Only just getting into the gyros, used to be in GA fixed wing back on the family station years ago. Was always interested in the gyros. After being out of the air for about 7 years, finally flying again, this time in the gyro. After being GA trained, I couldn't believe how good my gyro instructor turned out to be (Rob Mauloni) Absolutely hooked, love it. Was always 'watching' the forum over the years, helped get me interested in these. Please don't give up on the forum, because there are plenty of new gyro guys like myself trying to find machines/info etc. More awareness and info in the mainstream on these machines would be great though, and I do realise some of us younger blokes will have to step up to help accomplish this. Still, f...ing awesome machines to fly. Cheers. Clark
There are some guys (some on the 'board') with a bit of technical knowledge who used to post some very informative information.
I dare say their other side of life does not spare them the time now-a-days to post here, or age is catching up on them.
Some of these posts and photos made an interesting read, for me, when I was looking at learning to fly gyro's.
Regards.....RossLast edited by RossM; 18-03-2017, 06:59 AM.Remember: no matter where you go, there you are
Originally posted by RossM View PostThere are some guys (some on the 'board') with a bit of technical knowledge who used to post some very informative information.
I dare say their other side of life does not spare them the time now-a-days to post here, or age is catching up on them.
Some of these posts and photos made an interesting read, for me, when I was looking at learning to fly gyro's.
We have a new assistant technical manager who is coincidentally named Ross as well. He is a very clever fella, I will ask if he is prepared to put some of his knowledge on display on the forum.
G,day Russ,
I lobbied pretty hard to get the new forum fixed and your right it did take too long, best we not dwell on the past though and try to get some interest back.
Again you are spot on when it comes to promotion, one of the things that I am keen to see is active participation at Airshows by ASRA. This year we have attended the Hunter Valley Airshow and I have just returned home from the big one at Avalon. The next one is at Wollongong in May. Its up to individuals to advise of an airshow or flyin in their area and I will do my best to get some participation by ASRA or its members.
Before my last trip to Kununurra I spoke on the radio with Macca telling him about our upcoming trip, I just wish others would get the media involved as well.
As I am sure you are aware the best way to judge the success of a 'not for profit association' such as ASRA is in the membership numbers, hopefully there will be a steady increase over the next few years. When I started flying my gyro out of the local airfield five years ago I was the only one, now there are eleven, hopefully a good sign.
Hi guys,
I have been floating around the forum for years and have to admit to seeing it fade away a bit, that being said, I get the feeling it is on the rise again as well which is nice.
For info, I am very much a 'home build' enthusiast. I firmly believe it is the last bastion of true 'sport aviation' in Australia. The idea of being able to scribble a design on a napkin whilst talking 5hit with your mates, then being able to scratch build, test and fly it, really resonates with me. I love having a lathe, a bandsaw, a dremel and a family that accepts (and sometimes appreciates) a blokes needs to spend time on a hobby/interest to balance out a high stress working life.
Anyway, in a past life I worked for the NSW Police Airwing, flying helicopters. One of the jobs we use to do was searching for cannabis crops in Northern NSW which was a hell of a lot of fun. Very black and white, the baddies grew the crops, and the goodies found them and disposed of it. One idea I have been tossing up for a long while now is proposing to organise one of the Nationals, at say Murwillumbah in Northern NSW, with the purpose of conducting three days of Cannabis searching on behalf of the Police, in addition to the usual fun stuff.
There's a couple of reasons why I think this is a good idea. It's very much done as an 'Overt' organised event (It could be run annually for example), as this is seen as a deterrent to the bad guys (that's a positive for community), it can be promoted as a 'Good Will' gesture as well as a 'Service' to the community. The media exposure (from past experience) can be exceptional if done right. We are the 'good guys' after all. There is also potential for sponsorship, however we have to be careful of the 'commercial' perception of this. The Police are actually very appreciative of any help in this regard. They actually enjoy getting out and chasing plants and gathering intel.
There is also nothing better than 'having a reason' to go flying. Any excuse is good, however if we go there with the intent of looking for something, and helping our sport, then i can't help but see this sort of event as being a true highlight. I still fly large helicopters for a living, and conduct Specialised Operations in SAR/EMS/Police so have a good relationship and contacts with CASA, Queensland and NSW Police. The Risk Assessments and approvals are not difficult to arrange from my end. It's novel, and as such people are always keen to help.. believe it or not
There are potential negatives of course.. some of the areas you need to fly over is 'tiger' country. There will be some people who don't like the good guys, (however it's rare that it translates to anything nasty). And there will always be eyes watching what we do and how we do it. It's summer, which means it's hot, humid and bumpy.
There's technically nothing stopping this from taking place in the early part of 2018, but I'd be open to suggestion in order to organise properly. Just have to time it with the growing season.. sometimes there can be two crops over a Summer, so before Chrissy or after Chrissy is fine.
Anyway, it's an idea that may help promote the sport and give us a reason to go flying. I can't help but think more gyros/pilots would turn up if there's a novel reason for it. Add it to the Nationals, and I reckon it's a winner.
What do you reckon?
P.S, let me know if this is better posted in another area if you think it has legs.
Personaly I'm against using Gyro's for searching for dope. It's a bit like taking sides in a war. I'd rather stay 'Swiss' myself. It's a controversial subject. A large proportion of the public believe dope should be legal along with alcohol. If we sided with the 'goodies' we would have to perform a 1 hr. pre-flight inspection before each flight. I was approached once by army inteligence to keep an eye out for any abnormal activity including dope. I told the officer to me hemp is 'invisible'. He understood.
Originally posted by RickE View Post
G,day Ross,
We have a new assistant technical manager who is coincidentally named Ross as well. He is a very clever fella, I will ask if he is prepared to put some of his knowledge on display on the forum.
Regards....RossRemember: no matter where you go, there you are
I'm a silent forum watcher too. I started lessons early 2015. I tried to fly as often as I could but with work and young kids it took a while to get some descent hours up. Went halves in a home built gyro with a mate in late 2015, had a drama with the gyro. We had to replace a lot of gear to get her back in the air. Had an enormous amount of help from home built guys and euro machine owners willing to help out with sourcing parts, info and contacts. I've learnt a hell of a lot about gyros after rebuilding the machine. This forum is a great source of info for new blokes like myself, especially the older posts on building tips. There seems to still be a lot of gyro enthusiasts about but not using the forum to voice their opinions. The board has some new people on it now which can breathe some new life back into it. Like Clark said a few of us newer blokes need to start posting.
I've got a few little gremlins in the gyro which I might ask for some help with on another thread. (Went solo in the rebuilt machine 3 weeks ago)
Cheers Paul
Originally posted by Paul C View PostI(Went solo in the rebuilt machine 3 weeks ago)
Cheers Paul
I have been flying quite a bit lately getting a mates gyro ready for sale as he is developing Dementia.
Aussie Paul.
Tabacco rots out your lungs and is legal. Dope may place the odd voice in your head if you smoke too much and is illegal. What's happened to freedom of choice?Marijuana cooked into oil has been proven to be a powerful medical aid that threatens the pharma. industry. (That's why it's ilegal)