G'Day AllWelp I got my first ever copy of Gyro News today,witch is great becouse I sent of for the PRA mag 8 yrs ago and haven't recieced it yet.I haven't read it cover to cover yet, but what I have read is great.When I opened it the first thing I saw was the COOMA pictorial,and thought I recognized Paul Hogan.But nope, it was Birdy, man what a distinguished lookin gent.As I scaned through,I found alot of good reading. There was Chuck Beaty explaining how rotors rotate,Ian Sganzeria telling how fuel injectors inject,andTim Harral did a great job telling how pistons pi---well, do what pistons do.[
)] I couldn't help reading Greg Mitchell's My Journey Into Flight twice it is an outstanding piece. He almost made me feel asthough I were there on the side watching him. Fantastic writing Mitch thank you.Over the next couple of months I'm sure I'll have worn the mag out,just in time for the next issue.Llewella, thank you so much for your patience and kind words,and hard work in making sure I recieced this wonderfull reading materal.And regards to all who had a hand in puting this fine Mag together.Best wishes.SonnyIntelligence is not a privilege,it is a gift and should be used for the good of mankind.
