Barry as per your private email remove my name from this forum and my access as i explained this arvo that it was not connected to the other issue,and if people dont want to hear the truth about certain things just because i mentioned the word black, maybe they should just stick their head in the sand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how ever you have taken the action you have, good bye all[V]Please explain to me why my other post was deleted, there was nothing racist in it nor was meant that way...........I'm not an alcoholic, i'm a drunk, alcoholics go to meetingsMark
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Barry,In removing Mark's post you removed mine, in so doing you have provided an irritation, you removed a post of mine that referred to an appropriate action in response to an accident - that being to call Mayday or operate your epirb.It appears that *you* wish for this forum to be, ugh, 'politically correct' and the mention of colour in relation to race is not acceptable to you. You will find that Mark's description is inaccurate, nobody is that colour. What if he had said the dreaded 'A' word, or the 'C' word?With the information that was presented by Mark I was offended that the majority is allegedly descriminated against. You would appear to be aiding and abetting the syndrome Mark is referring to by removing his post. What will happen next when we ask for a black gyrocopter or a white gyroplane, are you going to censor that? You should at least ask in a seperate post for Mark to vary or moderate his post, in lieu of deleting it and any other that was made in relation to same.I'd go with the assumption that most stupidly, politically correct people do not know that the word '******' is an extension for the word 'Niger' a euphemism for 'Nigerian', which is a reference for where a person of Nigerian origin comes from, ie, a black person, but only in colour. Why don't these stupid politically correct people see these people for what they are, proud of their colour, proud of their race, no different to us 'white honkeys', or as one wog bloke called me, 'dingo ****'. Most of us just laugh it off, in our venacular, it is just a reference to race and not the nature of the race.So pale face... how will you deal with this?Cheers,Nick.
Mark and Nick, the problem is quite difficult to administer of what is placed on the forum. I started this forum and web site to try and offer as much information as possible to the members of ASRA and beyond. You would have to admit, there has been a hell of a lot of rubbish posted and I am continually being asked from people to remove them from the topics due to the content submitted. Some subscribers pay their ISP by the amount of data downloaded. When a genuine member receive notices of topics they subscribe to, only to find what they deemed as unsuitable and uninformative, they complain and quite rightly so.When the chat room is set up and running, you can comment to your hearts content as that will be more private and will not upset other members of this forum. Until then, I am sure you can be more tactful with your topics within the forum couldn't you?Barry Ferguson,ASRA WebmasterPh (07)5464-4993Int +61 7 5464-4993
Nick,the webmaster in most cases is the ... well you could say "God" in most forums ... moderators are appointed demi gods, even they can get their ass kicked []
Safe Flying ... ding Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment
FYI - A few quotes from ASRA Position Description P022. "Position Title - Internet EditorResponsible to - ASRA Inc BoardPosition Summary - The Internet Editor is an appointee of and responsible to the ASRA Board for the content and presentation of the ASRA Inc website.The Website is a communication medium between the ASRA Inc Board, its members and the general public. Technical data and information contained on the website is intended to provide information based upon the limited experience of individuals under specific conditions and circumstances.It is a forum for news, technical articles, gyroplane club activity and discussion while promoting the knowledge of and safety of gyroplane flying.Major Responsibility AreasThe ASRA Internet Editor is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Internet Website within the financial and editorial constrains imposed by the ASRA Inc Board.Decisions Expected1. Reject articles that contain libellous or personally defamatory comments or innuendo."You may be interested to know that the cost to ASRA members for the privilege of having access to this Website was in excess of $3,500 this year. So adding to Barry's comments on the cost to each individual of having to download posts that aren't relevant, it also costs ASRA everytime you post something, and also everytime you download each post to read. It is called web traffic. The costs have increased significantly over the last 6 months. So please, when you are posting, try and make it educational and relevant. This post is not meant to upset anyone, but to inform you of some responsibilities.LlewellaYou shouldn't push your luck. Play it safe and move the ladder..
Continuation:The Gyro News Editorial Policy also applies to the Internet Editor/Webmaster and I will quote some of that to you from Administration Procedure AP020:"The reasons for having editorial policy and contribution guidelines are:. To protect the Editor/Webmaster and the ASRA Board from potential libel, breach of copyright actions and defamation situations.. To ensure it does not become cumbersome with disagreements, personal attacks and an overabundance of unrelated contributions.. Pornography and profanity very rarely contains any journalistic merit and will be refused inclusion.. The Editor/Webmaster should not cause to be published any article that could bring the name of ASRA into disrepute.. Any personal attack (whether by name or innuendo) will be removed from the contribution -firstly to protect the individual attacked, secondly to protect the Editor/Webmaster and the ASRA Board from threats of legal action. In truth, such attacks rarely contain any journalistic content.. Any form of personal discrimination in the context of an article will be removed. The Editor/Webmaster must promote free speech, but such denigrations against sections of humanity are considered to be counterproductive and not in the best interest of the Association.. Any libellous comments or any form of innuendo will not be accepted for publication."LlewellaYou shouldn't push your luck. Play it safe and move the ladder..
I'm just a Yank who has no real standing in this forum, but I'm going to throw in my two cents anyway. Feel free to disregard it.The way I see it Mark's original post consisted of an unsubstantiated story that was plainly meant to insite racial animosity. Shame on you. There has been a lot of rac(ial)(ist?) rhetoric on this forum of late. It's neither productive nor constructive.I'm done.
In relation to Mark's original post..If I do happen to come undone in a remote location and need an ambulance, I will call for a service on the basis that I'm indigenous, then I might be certain to recieve priority attention by so doing.Without Mark's post, I might not have known that I could get a priority by being indigenous. So, thank you Mark.Cheers,Nick.
I,m with you Nick.Thanks Mark.Political correctness is so damn silly thesedays that anything is believable.Before you accuse me of also being a racist ( fundermentalist Shxx Hexxx dont count ), let me say that Ihave a couple of dark brown in-laws who are the salt of the earth !Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.