Gentlemen,Some time ago I asked CASA to consider removing the empty weight limit on 2 seat gyros imposed by CAO 95.12.1, and replace it with an All Up Weight limit (AUW). The argument being that the 2 seaters need to comply with the ASRA 2 seat standard that imposes an AUW limit of 600 kgs. Together with the empty weight limit, it was a double whammy, with no identifyable safety benefits.As the CAO needed to be re-written to take into account the new LSA category, my request was incorporated in the amended Order that was signed on January 3rd 2006.What this means effectively, is that those of you who have been operating under an instrument because of an empty weight in excess of 300 kgs, do not need to renew it when it expires. In fact, this CAO amendment supercedes the current instruments.The above information is provided for the benefit of members and is advice only. I will not be responsible for interpretations of the above that lead to operations contrary to the Regulations. You are advised to seek independent interpretation of the amendment and how it may affect you.Regards,Waddles.
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Changes CAO 95.12.1
Paul, Two instances when you can legally land on a road to refuel.(1) If the road is on your property or with written permision from the owner of the property.(2) Fraser Island where the beach is a gazetted road and you have a vehical beach permit.(And yor are endorsed for beach opperations). The latter I can give you at the nationals,assuming you meet the requirements.
No Pete and Brian. You do what you consider that you have to do to save your machine etc and then face the concequences if some authority decides to procecute. You don't have a leg to stand on you just plead guilty and ask for leniency.Aussie Paul. []
Are you quite sure on that Paul? I know that Statute Law overrides Common Law which itself is derived from precedence. There are many examples of aircraft landing in emergencies on public roads without apparent prosecution. Unless there is statute specifically prohibiting road landings even under emergency situations, I think precedence from the past would apply. An analogy is the sea where is is the right of any sailor under immediate duress to take shelter in any port, regardless whether under normal circumstances it would be prohibited. Even if you are correct, I know I would take my chances in the Courts rather than over trees given the choice of a road or tops of trees.Pete
If, following an emergency landing on a road and after advising andreporting the incident to the proper authority, I was cited for prosecution, I would consider that to be the act of a nit picking, absolute low life who would deserve what he got.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
Two different things here, If you PLAN to land on a public road and refuel or land to refuel due to bad planing you will probably be in deep poo. If you have a mechanical failure and land on a road I dont think anyone can legally do much.That goes for landing in somones padock due to mechanical failure, they have no say in the matter ,BUT they may legally refuse entry to recover the aircraft and sue you for damages if you killed the prize bull or whatever.
Emergency landings can and will happen anywhere. You just have to remember that you have no rights against the land owner or the local council/main roads should they wish to take action.You do not have an automatic "clearance" even in an emergency. Always best to be agreeable and cooperative with the land owner/operator in this situation.Tim McClure
quote:Originally posted by TimEmergency landings can and will happen anywhere. You just have to remember that you have no rights against the land owner or the local council/main roads should they wish to take action.You do not have an automatic "clearance" even in an emergency. Always best to be agreeable and cooperative with the land owner/operator in this situation.Tim McClureSpot on Tim. It is in the ****** manual.[]It is interesting the various charges that were bought against me. I had better not put them here BUT if you are interested how the system works, send me an email and I will quote the wording on the summons. Actually it is intersting stuff.Aussie Paul. [