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Rotax 582 Replacing Rotary Valve Hoses Advice/Tips

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  • Rotax 582 Replacing Rotary Valve Hoses Advice/Tips

    Hello Guys,I need to replace the Rotary Valve hoses that goes to the small oil tank reservoir. One of them has a crack and eaven that is no leaking, I want to replace both.One RV hose run on the back of the magnetos plate and I have to remove that plate/bracket in order to have access to the clamp were is attached.That plate/bracket is attached to the engine by four screws............ Two of does upper screws also hold the water outlet socket in his place so I will be carefull when removing does 2 screws.So here are the questionso the 2 remaining lower plate/bracket screws hold something else that the Magnetos plate? Or I just go ahead and remove them.Any advise on doing this work? Do I need to remove something else to have access to that clamp/hose?BTW, this Rotax 582 is a grey head, is top mounted on a Quicksilver UL and the spark plugs are facing up.Thx for your time and help,Isaac