Anyone know an easier way??Was on me way home this mor"n and after bout 200km i needed to release sum pressure in my wast fluid bag, so landed ona claypan, a hundred miles from nowhere, with storms brewn up all round, and anatha 100km to go.Had me leak n a durrie, straped in, and wen i hit the start button..........., nuthn."Bloody lovely" i thought.Solinoid was clickn, but no life in the starter. [ still have to check out why]I have hand started me old 80hp 912 years ago wen it hada deadish battery, but i had sumone to hold the starter on while i flung the prop through, and it fired rite up. There was just enuf boot in the battery to take up the backlash between the mag and prop[ flywheel] to start it, but this time i had nuthn.It took a while, and cost a bit of clarat outa me finguers from the trailing edge of the WD, BUT, i got it started, much to my releif, coz i was just bout to consead defeat and ring the missus on the sat fone and get her to arrange a chopper to lift me out. [ and that woulda hurt]Not realy sure why it started, but i think the chokes were off and the throttle closed, and it had cool considerably in the time it took to get it started.One thing i did notice was different to prop startn a soob was to heave it BEFORE TDC. I used to get the old soob to TDC then fling it through. But the only way i could get any life outa the 912s was to fling it through the compression stroke. [ which has a bit to do with the skin missn off the inside of me fingures.]Anyhow, its all good, coz i didnt have to hire one of them powered rotor thingys to get out.:whoo:
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Hand/ prop stating a 912s
Happy New Year, Birdy and Family!!!Are you getting enough rain up there, mate? (""storms brewn up all round"")I wonder, how do you muster the Moo"s in a lake??You must be also getting out the winter woollies, seeing how the forecast is for 25 degrees for Monday and 26 for Tuesday with light rain, showers and storms! Seriously, congrats on starting the 912. The closest I came to that was to hand crank an Army Studebaker truck. Me being a young idiot, I held onto the crank handle after TDC (at an angle which jammed the shaft) and got flung a yard or so for my troubles!! Some claret from skinned knuckles and fractured a couple of bones in the wrist. My instructor laughed so hard that he fell into the creek!!! :-[ :-[ :-[I wonder if you could fit a hand crank system on the prop shaft? ;D ;D ;DJoeW
For anyone interested.............I know, as we all would, that i cursed the 20K pice of German sh!t wen it went click, but i shoulda known better. It had nuthn to do with the 20K pice of German engineering art, but only a corroded terminal on the lead between the solinoid and starter.Coulda had sumthn to do with 8 years of dry, then 2 hours flyn in the rain.
and have you forgotten about Lake whatever on the way back from Biggendon?? or do you just enjoy silence while you"re have a leak & a smoke?? Oh yea of little faith. Gota admit tho, iv been waitn for it to happen,........... for bout 4000 hours. After Lake Caroline, i always check me batt voltage before i drop down ina tight spot. Not that itd make a difference if the batt "open curcited". Itll still test 12+ volts, but you cant get a current. >But least now i know i can hand start if i have too, batt or no batt. I"d be even more interested if anyone has ever hand propped a suby 2.2 I used to prop start the 2.2 on the wasa [ carbed] to demo the method easy enuf, but dont know bout EFI ones.Recon anythn with a flywheels gota be easier n a 912.PS - I forgot to add the rotax might be the same as well, all engines need a rich mixture to start.......... You just jogged me lousy memory Niko. I found that wen i was bringn it round to the compression stroke, if i pushed it almost to TDC, then let it push back, then heave it through, it fired every time. Like i was given it 2 gasps through the carb for each attempt.If i didnt do this, itd only fire every 4th or 5th heave, and me pinkys were suffern for it. :P
Let me augment what I"ve said before:With Brian"s subi the fuel injectors will not work with the ignition off, so you have to have the ignition on to get fuel into the pots.You want the mixture in the pots to be rich so it fires easily. To make this happen you disconnect the spark plugs so it cannot fire on you while you are hand propping it.You should crank it through as many revs as it needs before it fires when you start it using the starter motor - but maybe make it and extra rev of hand propping - eg, if it takes three revs on the starter motor then hand crank it through four revs.Then find a point about 30ø before TDC with a prop blade in a favourable position for a SAFE hand start.Then reconnect the plugs and make sure the ignition is on, throttle set properly and the machine secured [won"t move!]Then hand prop it to start it WITH THE DUE LEVEL OF CARE! Gloves avoid the pain of the sharp back end of the prop blade. Be ready to get OOTFW [out of the f"g way] of the prop in a hurry if you have to!.I do this with my EA81 and it seems to work OK, but it has a choke so there is no great drama with getting a rich mixture.Cheers,Nic
Thanks Nick, that makes perfect sense to me and as a result I will try it out and see how I go !EFI is certainly different to a carby Birdy.I had approx 1000 hours in my first gyro Nick, a EA 81 so I got the procedure and lack of skin thing down pretty well. Took about 30 minutes one morning when there was frost on the ground an inch thick and all rugged up ready to roll, by the time it started, I was down to shirt rolled up and cause I was late leaving, I just pulled a jumper on and proceed to freeze 5 minutes later so it was a most uncomfortable couple of hours flying, course, it wasnt done to go back and get more clothes back in those days ;D