Dear fellow gyronauts,It"s time to look into new engine over conventional.
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Limbach engine
G"Day Lou,Just spoke to Nigel the Aussie importer/distributor.Engines have been around for 35 odd years and used primarily in motorgliders.The 80 hp uncertified engine is $9800 Euros....approx $20,000 Australian is not dual ignition but can have an after market setup installed at further cost.Nigel explained how rotax 4 bangers have taken a majority of the market since their intro.The 2400 100 HP version is not water cooled either in its base model and runs out to $18000 EurosHe gave me prices on more engines and the eqivalent of a 914 is approx $20000 euro in a certified version .Cheers,Mitch
Guys,The Limbach has its roots from the humble VW design and being direct drive is limited to around 3400rpm because of prop tips going supersonic. Without a PSRU it is unlikely to beat the Rotax in the lb"s Thrust per HP area so it may not be an ideal gyro power plant.I have had some exposure to them in motorgliders and Corby Starlets -definately more reliable then the ave VW conversion but not a patch on the Rotax 4 bangers.Just my 10c worth,Adrian
I have often wondered that if you are contemplating spending big dollars on an engine, why not just buy a new Subaru for $25g and pull what you need out and sell the rest. It would work out a lot cheaper and I think it would be as reliable, although a little heavier. These engines easily do a 150000ks with no problems, which translates to 1500hrs at 100kph. The problems usually are linked to the adaption. Plus you have fuel injection and no icing.
I have been interested in this little Verner engine now for several years. Origionally wanted to fit one to my old Dragonfly. Maybe one day.I would be realy interested to see just how it would performed against a Rotax 912 80Hp.Regards SamL..............
Sam,I have some experience with Verners - DONT TOUCH THEM under any circumstances - havent scene one get past 400hrs without major probs. Give me call if you want details.Adrian >Hi AdrianYes I am aware they had a few snap cranks. Since then the factory has re-disigned and included a central bearing which seems to have fixed the problem. The other issue was balancing the 2 carbies, which they now offer a single feeding the 2 inlets. Richard here in Melb had been to the factory and met the owner. He was quite impressed with his setup, and was also able to try one out on a trike which seemed to fly realy well.
My wife will fly with me in a PPC but not in a gyro.I had and flew one for a couple of years. Crashed into a fence too, lucky they only fly slow.PPC .... Powered ParachutePPG .... Powered ParagliderPPE .... Personal Protection EquipmentPPI .... Personal Performance IndicatorsPPO ....Please P..s OffWhat else do you want to know?
She will fly with you.................and knowin your " incident " history with flyin machines.........christ.........she"s game ;DCarol.........................don"t do it, you can"t love him...........that much. :-X
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time