has anyone tried fuel injection on a rotax? carbies sound out dated and rotec are advertising fuel injection kits, are they any good? ???
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912s fuel injection
Rotax have not been interested in stepping into the 19 th century yet, why ? No idea, FI and electronic ignition has been around for over 20 years [motorbikes]. Even Lycoming have FI out now !!!After doing approx 1000 hours with an EA 81, going to the electronic ignition FI Suby 2.2 was a quantam leap, nothing to clean /replace /fix /play with...totally boring maintance wise AND I LOVE IT !! [over 3,000 hours]
After doing approx 1000 hours with an EA 81, going to the electronic ignition FI Suby 2.2 was a quantam leap, nothing to clean /replace /fix /play with...totally boring maintance wise AND I LOVE IT !! [over 3,000 hours]The same can be said about the 912 range, just because it a carb engine dont mean it wrong, damn i havent laid a spanner on the motor apart from the sprag clutch(which was due to running a high lead fuel) for 1400hrs, and there are plenty more higher hr engines out there, that run on full throtle too mind you for a lot of the time, i would really like to see a suby on full noise for more than a few minutes, damn it not hard to burn a normal 5 hr tank of fuel in 3-4hrs
i would really like to see a suby on full noise for more than a few minutes, damn it not hard to burn a normal 5 hr tank of fuel in 3-4hrsHi Bones, maybe I can show you one day. I have had mine at full noise for up to 10 min or more without even a cough. You need to remember the new 2.5 subies we now run at a max of 5200rpm. These things are designed to run to 6000 plus rpm, so at 5200 this is no great ask. Typical cruise one up can be as low as 3500 RPM with a burn rate of 15LPH.We now also run aftermarket Motec engine management systems, which are calibrated (by an approved Motec technician) in flight under real flying conditions. And yes they are fuel injected, so there is no issue re carbie icing, and engine efficiency is maximised at all times regardless of altitude and atmospheric conditions.
The same can be said about the 912 range, just because it a carb engine dont mean it wrong, damn i havent laid a spanner on the motor apart from the sprag clutch(which was due to running a high lead fuel) for 1400hrs, and there are plenty more higher hr engines out there, that run on full throtle too mind you for a lot of the time, i would really like to see a suby on full noise for more than a few minutes, damn it not hard to burn a normal 5 hr tank of fuel in 3-4hrsI"m definately not saying the 912 /914 arent great engines, its just [in my humble opinion] they could be so much better with electronic ignition and fuel injection. FI should lead to around 10 to 15% in fuel economy alone plus a similar power gain which makes an already great engine even better. Rotax will eventually make the change, there is no doubt about that, its just when.
Need gouvens any set up.At the moment, rotax is so far out in the leed with the 912s theres no need to do any tinkern.And, id much rather be do"n wot im do"n with the comfort of known theres no electrical connection thatll decide to chuck a wobbly at the rong moment.If anyone comes up with anatha donk that equals the 912s power/weight, efficiancy, proven reliability at continuous WOT, and crash resistance, i have no dout theyll do sumthn different.Their "out in fruntness" is why they can ask rediculous coin from us SCGs known we need to pay it.
Des. Its almost there, just working out the prop. ( adjustable pitch) this will be my throttle as the engine will run at a governed 100% it should be ready to mount in a couple of months.Hi Kon. It"s a T62-27 Solar APU, out of a ch 54 (super stallion) helicopter, it"s 110 shp and weighs 56 ks as is in test stand.it cost, $%^& loads
Holy crap, the last figures i did on one of those, they chew about 60lts/hr so i sure hope you enjoy the hour or so between fuel upsThey sure gulp in the juice but they can run on crude
which is handy and there is nothing, I repeat, nothing that sounds as exciting as a turbine spooling up, a big radial is great but a kero burner and chuck rotors on it and what a excitment machine. Check out Stan Fosters Helicycle on the US forum, its the neatest little helo out and you can fly no hands !!I"m not sure how they [turbine Helicycle] would last working but what a fun way to go!!