ok I thought it best to just start a new topic to inform me of some conditions, and my possible preventions.so who ever can help please do.
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carby ice.
May be coz I don"t fly high enough or long enough?You don"t need to be high, cold or up long to get ice.Ol mate took off ere one cold morn"n, reduced power at 100" and came back down. [ after I told him not to go below WOT till he gets to 300 feet min.]Now he knows bout carb ice.
Here is an icing prediction chart. You need temperature and either dew point or relative humidity. Note that altitude doesn"t come into it at all.Hope this helps.Waddles
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Thanks Allan, thats the chart !!A very usefull tool & takes away a lot of guessing. Of course, no one should contemplate flying WITHOUT a working carby heat device.For the 912 engines there are three alternatives that I know about, one is Rosco"s that is very well built. The second is the water heater thing that attaches to the carby inlet & works very well & the other is the heat box that is shown on nearly all the Bert Flood adds. I know a bit about the heat box as thats is whats fitted to my gyro.........it was fitted when I got ice bad but I didnt have it working did I
I hope no one minds me plastering all this on here,[ been learning how to search, copy and paste ]the photo doesn"t really fit with what I remembered back 3 years ago. so I"m now thinking it"s because this setup has the turbo sucking from the carby, is that correct. ???? and paste. :-[ :-[well that didn"t really work so I"m done.