The other day I was doing ground run up checks and notice a low voltage fault light kept coming up on the dash. During a magneto check I notice no drop in rpm on no1 mag, no 2 was normal. When I went to turn the engine off, through the magi switches the engine kept running. Turning the key off made no difference either until it ran out of fuel. Was wondering if anyone has come across this problem? Maybe a good thing having a rotax that dosnt want to stop!
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Rotax 914 ingnition
I"m no auto electrician but I do know that if the low voltage light comes on in flight the fuel pumps are only relying on the power left in the battery and the recommendation is to land asap.If I were you BrownBMB I would get it looked at before you fly again.
G"day Rick & Birdy, yeah no intentions of flying the gyro until all is sorted (have not earn"t my wings yet anyway.) I only discovered this problem running it up at home in the shed which I do about every 6 weeks for 10min to keep oil up in the engine systems & fuel in the lines. Birdy the engine has about 650 hrs on it, and was running fine when I flew it with the previous owner. I do believe that as u say it appears to be two separate issues. Anyway a auto electrician has me chasing a wiring diagram so we can get it sorted. Hey birdy is David ( Jacko )Jackson still flying? I used to be a station hand for him back in the early nineties and always jumped at a chance to fly in the old air command with him. He can handle a gyro that bloke! It would be awesome if he was still instructing cause finishing with a old school pilot would be invaluable !
Wen you turn it off, your earthing out the soft side of the ignitions.If the earth isnt earthing, it wont die.Check for continuity between the earth pin on the key switch and the engine block.If thats all good, check same between the mag pins and earth pin with the ign off.If its good n it still dont die, attack it witha big hammer, coz its posessed.As for the low voltage, check at the batt witha multimeter next time you start it.( before you smash it with the hammer.)If the voltage is low, its a blown fuse ( 30A) or dead reg rec.If its too high, its a cooked reg rec. ( at idle the volts should settle on bout 13 1/2 to 14v)The loom links that click into the reg rec have soft spades in them and sumtimes they are just loose.Gently close them witha pointy nose plier so,s they are a tighter fit.If nun of this works, dont call me.
Havent seen/ hear from Jacko since,......... Since i last saw him Lameroo.