My instructor tells me (after test flying my gyro) that my 23" segmented Benson rotors are too small for safe flyin" (or flarin") at my small number of hours (9.5) and are not good for a person about to start their hops anone has a set of 27 footers that are in good repair etc and reasonably priced (cash is tight as my instructor is bleeding my wallet), please let me know.And...not that anybody would want them, unless they have single seat 2 stroke light weight machine without wings (or a glider), I will have the above for sale when they are replaced with 27"s.Regards Keith
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WANTED - 27 Footers
guys,I cant say i"ve tried any other blades but i"m real happy with my 25 foot mcutcheons on my 582 machine. found learning to fly quite comfortable with them and slow when skimming the ground and flareing.I thought 27 was a bit extreme for a single seat but i don"t know your size or machine.My mate leeroy has converted his gyro on to a single seat but dosn"t know how the 27 or 28"s whatever they are, are going to be.
G"Day Keith,That ship was always under rotor"d for the weight.I saw Geoff Blackberry ( used to own it) fly a circuit at about 100 feet, just would not climb, we all held our breath till he got back safe and sound. Geoff took some weight off the machine and it performed somewhat better and still he talked about getting a bigger set of blades.Going from 23"s to 27"s you"d need to keep in mind where your tips of the rotors are when landing/flaring. I"ve got video of blokes in singles with large blades barely missing by a bees dick and some who touched. Different in a tall mast trainer. Of course your instructor/TA"s should advise you accordingly.I went from 21" 9" Bensen Blades to Patroney"s Glass Composite 23" 6".