Hi All,I was planning on buying the gyro below but change in circumstances (needed a new car >
) im no longer able to so am just helping him out.The bloke (a professional draftsman) has put 4000 hours into it so far, by making the molds and the actual construction, the molds are also for sale separately, weight at last counting was 369lbs it has be designed as a boom thru the prop shaft with the prop shaft running on a bearing altho it can be modified to put a keel onto it and and run the tail out like a conventional tail and normal engine/gearbox assembly. it was designed for the undercarriage and rotor mast loads to be carried by the fibreglass but after some talking we think that an internal aluminium frame would be best which is possible and they way i was going to do it. I really didn"t wanna let the cat out the bag about this gyro as i would of loved to have it but he would like it sold as he has a share in a plane now, he would of loved it to stay in SA as he could still see it being built and flying but understands that it probably an unrealistic expectation.Finally he would like only to get the material cost that he has put into back which is $32000 If you are keenly interested in this project Private message me and i will put you onto the builder. this is a gyro that won"t fly over night but will be easy to finish as all the truely hard work has been done then this is the perfect project, And come on who wouldnt love a gyro that looks like a Bell 206Below are some pictures of the various stages of construction.CheersRegards,