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MTO Sport with Rotax 912 ULS for sale

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  • MTO Sport with Rotax 912 ULS for sale

    MTO Sport with Rotax 912 ULS

    A reliable, well looked after gyrocopter with many upgrades and recent service.

    - Very good condition with 940 hrs
    - Rotor system II (upgrade)
    - ATR-500 radio
    - Bolly carbon fibre propeller (refurbished)
    - New custom seats
    - New windscreen included (front & rear)
    - New MTO Sport gyro cover with propeller blade covers
    - New UMA Vertical Speed Indicator
    - LED landing lights (upgrade)
    - Rear seat flight instructor set
    - Battery recently replaced
    - Additional Volt-meter installed
    - V-belt recently replaced
    - Fuel-, water-, oil-hoses recently replaced
    - Dryer filter recently replaced
    - Nose-hatch, luggage compartment
    - Strobe
    - Auxiliary fuel pump
    - Oil & filter change recently done
    - Comes with standard compass (Card compass pictured is optional)
    - Prerotator, electric trim and other standard MTO Sport features

    This gyro has always been very well looked after and regularly serviced every 50 hours. It has only had two owners, including current one, and has always been parked in a hanger. The gyro got upgraded recently with many extras, a new RS2 rotor system (TBO 2500 hours) and refurbished carbon fibre Bolly blades. It has only had soft landings and gentle rotor prerotations. The engine has never had a problem, it runs reliable and smoothly.

    Reluctant sale due a change in personal circumstances outside of my control. The gyrocopter is currently based in Tyagarah, NSW (next to Byron Bay)

    Selling for $59,000.

    Email / sms preferred during business hours.

    0422 213214

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	37034
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  • #2
    More pictures
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    • #3
      Gyro cover
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Lovely gyro. Does it have carby heat ?


        • Toby
          Toby commented
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          Hi Brian. Yes, it has carburettor heat to prevent icing.

      • #5
        Thanks, is the airframe subject to a hour limit ? the was some frames cracking at one stage, wondering had that been fixed or if it was still an ongoing issue. The rotor up grade, whats being done different there ? Sorry for all the questions . I'm looking a bit more seriously about a two seater hence the interest.


        • Toby
          Toby commented
          Editing a comment
          Hi Brian. Sent you a private message. Feel free to reach out to me if nothing received as I've been having a few issues receiving notifications myself once something is posted to this thread

      • #6
        Still for sale


        • #7
          G'day Toby, apologies, haven't been on the forum for some time so missed your message. I'm still kicking tyres basically, not sure which way to jump just yet.


          • #8
            Cooling hoses in gyro replaced with new ones last weekend. New battery added

