BTW Mark, I reckon Russ has played with cans of worms before. ;DI reckon Russ has played with a lot of things before!
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Help out a mate
Ouf, Good on you for taking the bit between your teeth, bravely done, bravo.G"day AllI heard once that "Memorials are for the living to remember the dead, a support fund is to help support the living. Both are valuable, but the first is about helping inspiration, and the latter is about helping desperation".And in my proverbially humble opinion,a) No question, either moves can be a good idea. I have found pilots in general to be very warm hearted and communal and this is just a way of bridging the tyranny of distance and bringing us together when we live so far apart. But ASRA has to stay out of it. ASRA board members can do it, but not as ASRA board members... if you get my meaning.b) And doing it is easy done, just open a bank account and give the BSB and account number. You might want to set aside a little for an auditor, (and tell people you"re doing it) just to CYA... and then close the account, so no one can point nasty little fingers.Now, here"s something I want to add to the mix:I recently had to pull out my licences (I transferred my UK fixed wing licence to a local PPL) and saw Geoff Jamieson"s writing in one of my log books. It reminded me I"m glad I got to meet him, and sorry I won"t be meeting him again. Seeing this thread reminded me of conversations between flights on the deck of the clubhouse at Cranbourne- In between SMS chats with his Ghanaian princess I worked out he was on his way to Africa to get married, which means there"s a wife there that Geoff chose (and his emails to me after indicated he was very happy and looking forward to the future). Now, my question to those that knew him better than I, is "are we doing for her what he would have wanted us to do?".
The most difficult part of sumone pass"n is the ; " he woulda wanted" bit. ???Only his/her closest mates would have an incling, and their thoughts are only their oppinions.Wot we choose to do in responce is basicaly to make us feel that, where ever he is, he"ll know he isnt forgotn. Kinda like, " he didnt die in vain".As for those clostest who are left behind, they need time alone if thats their wish, and their closest friends will be there for them, and if its help from the rest of us they need, the friends need to know we are here, and willing.
would it be appropriate for a group of members to erect a memorial with words something like " ..... from fellow flyers and members of the gyro flying community" or "...... from fellow members of the Australian Sports Rotorcrat Assoc."? Something along those lines?I cannot see any problem with that Fred - basically as long as ASRA does not collect the money. Like Geoff said, any other member can collect if that was the way you wanted to go.Personally I am of the same opinion as Brian - I do not much believe in memorials (of course there are exceptions). I think that if a person/s is worth that much to you then you should show them that respect and friendship when they are living.
The most difficult part of sumone pass"n is the ; " he woulda wanted" bit. ???Only his/her closest mates would have an incling, and their thoughts are only their oppinions.Wot we choose to do in responce is basicaly to make us feel that, where ever he is, he"ll know he isnt forgotn. Kinda like, " he didnt die in vain".As for those clostest who are left behind, they need time alone if thats their wish, and their closest friends will be there for them, and if its help from the rest of us they need, the friends need to know we are here, and willing.
I agree with you, Brian and Tim. Big concrete monument isn"t wot I had in mind. You don"t need a monument for those that knew some-one. But sometimes (in our game where there are always newcomers coming on, and often a little "gung-ho") a simple little reminder of a person "passed", and that even the experienced and skilled can get bitten, might be a little sobering. It can be as simple as a lump of rotor blade with an inscription hanging on the club-room wall. Sorta like:"Here lies Fred;With a hole in his head;He died last night in Another mans bed"Yopu get the picture?
Wow, this went from a discussion on helping out friends and families of friends- to a discussion of being caught in another man"s bed and/or "with a fat on" pretty damn fast!back on track... I hear there is a memorial going up at Cranborne, is there a collection plate for the other guy? GG===
Ok guys.........the now situation re this topic....Have had several conversations with PB"s business partners, [ the only contact method i had ]they were keen to see a "fund" / donations setup. They adviced me they were in contact with PB"s wife to get her approval / bsb numbers etc. They assured me , they would get back to me this was way back last week, so here we are now, and no feedback, i have gathered from that, that no further action from here is be it.I wish paul a speedy and full recovery.......... as we all do.
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