Anyone knows that Skyhook is still in production ?I tried to find the web site of Australian Autogyro Co. without success.Anyone knows how to contact them and any opinion about the Skyhook in particular MK III ?Thanks.
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Skyhook still in production ?
Graeme,Dont think they came any other way!Small Rotors and a Veedub engine certainly gives some good lessons at flying a big boy at altitude!It isnt so much that they are a high thrust line but more that they are a low profile machine rather than the now more accepted high profile type. It just means that one doesnt fly around with ones thumb in the rear vent.Pull the power off and you look at the sky rather than the nose dropping, which we are all now used to.A fly around in the old machine would open some of the eyes of the flying elite, who post on the forum with expert comment.Woof.Bark.
Thats all right Graeme,I pull it out on cold thick days and flogg it around the paddocks a couple of times.Its an open frame model (pretty basic) so the bones cool down quickly. Inversly, the motor heats up at the same rate, so a cross country machine she aint!I scored a 60 hp BMW motor with a planetery reduction box on it a couple of months ago, so a repower is in the offing. I reckon it will make it a great little machine when I get the time to do it.Imagine a little light machine without the Braat Braat Braat of a rotax! (the motor looks really cool too!)The skyhook was a great machine to learn on, low to the ground and the wide undercarrige and short mast , it is virtually impossible to tip over on the ground. a few mods to change the way it flys and it will be on the market.Mark.
G"day Greg,Mark"s right there, we use the wrong terminology when we refer to high and low thrustlines. Eg. in a given machine with a 72" prop the thrust line does not change height - it remains in the same position relative to the prop clearance between the rotors and the keel. What does change up and down is the C of M, and in the case of the "Skyhook" you are sitting virtually on the keel, giving it a very low C of M. The thrustline is high relative to the C of M, but not to the machine. That should be confusing enough. The open frame Skyhook is easy to convert to a respectable thrustline offset and the 1835 VW flies them well if you are not too much on the portly side.
Hello Tim,Please help me understand what you are trying to say.Are you saying we have to re-write the accepted terminologies we have been using for the last 5-6 years?Here is a pic of a fully enclosed Skyhook. If thats not HTL, then what is? Especially with someone Woofs size? "The thrustline is high relative to the C of M, but not to the machine. "