We are all having a bit of a whinge up here about all the water and the problems it causes, but it is nothing to what the unfortunate people in the bush fires are suffering.I once had a house burn down around my ears, not much fun, lost everything in the house, but no one was hurt.The death toll just keeps climbing. Insurance can"t replace them.Sad times indeed.Graeme.
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Life sucks sometimes.
We are all having a bit of a whinge up here about all the water and the problems it causes, but it is nothing to what the unfortunate people in the bush fires are suffering.I once had a house burn down around my ears, not much fun, lost everything in the house, but no one was hurt.The death toll just keeps climbing. Insurance can"t replace them.Sad times indeed.Graeme.While all that is true, when and how many times must this happen before the people who control the forest industry national parks ect, are going to start back burning or more to the piont burning off at the end of winter, if not every year every second year, these type of things wouldnt be stopped but by the crikey the might not be quiet so bad, damn there is complete towns wipped out, makes me shake my head in wonder.......
Everyone has short memories. About 15 years ago the valley I lived in went up burning most of it including sheds, a house livestock and canefarms. The cane farmers all said that they would burn off after the crushing each year. Up until now not one of them have.
While all that is true, when and how many times must this happen before the people who control the forest industry national parks ect, are going to start back burning or more to the piont burning off at the end of winter, if not every year every second year, these type of things wouldnt be stopped but by the crikey the might not be quiet so bad, damn there is complete towns wipped out, makes me shake my head in wonder.......G"day Mark. NOT "forest industry"!!
""The Canberra bushfires of 2003 caused severe damage to the outskirts of Canberra, the Australian capital city. Almost 70% of the Australian Capital Territory’s pasture, forests (pine plantations) and nature parks were severely damaged, and most of the renowned Mount Stromlo Observatory was destroyed. After burning for a week around the edges of the ACT, the fires entered the suburbs of Canberra on 18 January 2003. Over the next ten hours, four people died and more than 500 homes were destroyed or severely damaged, requiring a significant relief and reconstruction effort.""As mentioned above, we had something similar here as well, although thankfully a lot less people had lost their lives.As a soldier, I was involved in the Ash Wednesday, then Mt. Macedon bushfires, too.It is interesting to note that the bleating "Enviro Nazis" were nowhere to be seen when spare hands were required to put these fires out!!!!!!!!!!!Some of them tried to stop the graders in Canberra (north) by lying down in front of the blades, when they were trying to bulldoze a firebreak. The fire was about a kilometre away at that stage.Needless to say, residents made short work of them! The "Enviro Nazis" complained to Police about being bashed up. Unfortunately, nobody appeared to have seen anything and the police was unable to charge anybody!I have a novel idea.Keep a register of the rabid greenies and "Enviro Nazis".When we have the next bushfire, bundle these a@#%$holes into choppers with a hand beater, drop them into the middle of the fire and tell them to put it out. Anybody else complains, drop them in there as well!!!Should get rid of some cretins, shouldn"t it?Joe W
Glad to see political correctness is conspicous by its absence on this forum!I am not long back from a fire myself, on a greenies block, with about 100 saplings growing up through the powerlines. 40 degrees here today and the bloke was walking around wondering why half his place was on fire.....I was wondering why the bloody hell I was pouring water on the hot stuff instead of sitting in the loungeroom with my lips wrapped around the top of a coopers pale ale.There is no fun at a fire and the poor buggers in Vic should never have to be in that position.A box of twenty cent safety matches used six months ago would have saved billions and sixty odd lives that can have no dollar value. Parks are bastards, greenies are suckers and the Government needs a reef up the bum with really rough rope.The knowledge of the old people is dying out and is replaced by some pimply faced gronk with every article of clothing containing the word "emergency"! The fires are run by people who have done "courses" in some command centre 300 miles away.......and they wonder why lives are lost and property destroyed?Its not the fire or the flood, its the political F@#$% correctness!Thank God for you blokes!Mark. >
Anyone know of any of our blokes seriously affected by the fires or floods?Yeh Al, me, im not getn any.Its time like this im so greatful i make the ruels out ere.
If it needs burn"n, ill burn it. If it needs water, its gota wate till it rains.Any pen pushn w@nker trys to change me ruels............... theres a hill here with his name onit.