Does anyone understand the following. Govt employees can lease a $30000 car for $180 a week which includes 25000k"s of fuel tyres and servicing and a residual of $5600 after 5 yrs. This does not go close to covering the cost. Sure, people will say its salary sacrifice, but I know that it is just a perk. Then there is the companies and councils who give employees a company car and a fuel card which they can use for personal use with no limit on fuel expenditure. FBT covers the Governments side but what about the detrimental effect on a companies expences. I had a relative who drove
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I dont know about that Ken,I been there twice now(Birdy"s) and every time i got my own personal vehicle(Jo or Ned) with as much fuel as i could burn, add to that i get a personal room in a remote resort with star views, ampily serviced with free food and drinks(coffee and MILO) and after that i get to fly my personal aircraft just flying about not looking for anything in particular.Now that is what i call a lurk
We are heading for a really big surprise and we deserve it.Bloodoth captn.And the whingn and bitchn and "poor bugger me"n" will be moosic to my ears.The only thing wrong with your situation is that you would be putting in more than your share and I bet no one has offered you a car deal like above.Mate, all the f&^%n tax i pay dont even give me a road to freight me moos outa here, so"s i can pay the friggn tax.But, i still refuse to put my hand out for any subsities, coz i recon if im go"n to make a go outa grown moos ere, I"LL do it, without sappn off the taxpayer.Frig, the gouv waste enuff money now without my hand out.BTW captn, i wouldnt take the car if they payed me to take it.Nuthn comes close to the "bring ya home again" reliability of me 24 year old grey mare.
And Bones, shudup, or every bastered will be out ere. >
that all those ponces with their big flash cheap cars and "cushy" jobs would probably give their left agget and their big flash car to swap places with Birdy. No dout Fred.Its amazn just how many come out ere and after a few hours say just that.But for those who stay a while, long enuff to see the "other side" of the story soon come to the conclusion that, "you can have it".Most want it, but be buggered if theyd spend the sweat it costs to earn it.
The car is often supplied as part of the job package: thats sort of appreciation before you start. Its the fuel card and expenses I dont understand. Some people must be up around $400 on fuel a week. The company claims this as a tax deduction or pays FBT on it. At what point does something become too much. I would say that Nylex must have appreciated their employees too much. They will probably whinge when they loose their jobs. If you give someone something they wont let you take it away no matter what. Another example I know 1st hand of: Wage of $500 per week after tax and an account with a debit card that $400 goes into each week. The total of this account must be spent before end of financial yr. Can be spent on anything(they said they can buy a canoe if they wish). They also get a fuel card separate and a co car. Total $900 for a 23yr old person. Obviously the co claims the $400 as expenses and the employee gets this amount in kind tax free. To me this is straight fraud of the tax payer- you and me. I told the person that this is wrong: their answer was everyone does it. That doesn"t make it right. This co is a govt supported job agency owned by a charity. By the way Fred I have a Bcomm accountancy and management major so can recognise creative accounting. None of this stuff is creative. Its just ripping off the genuine taxpayer. It wont change because everything(Govt and private sector) are managed by the same suckers who milked the system. They only employ people who think likewise or who are dumber than themselves. They are all about show and have no substance to themselves. They are practically useless. If you were lost on a desert island with them they wouldn"t be able to contribute to yours or their survival. Pretty much the same way they exist in society now. They would be the 1st thing you would eat as their usually pretty plump and ripe.Ken
"Then there is the companies and councils who give employees a company car and a fuel card which they can use for personal use with no limit on fuel expenditure. FBT covers the Governments side but what about the detrimental effect on a companies expences."As I understand it, The Vic government complained about all the paperwork when FBT came in, and did a deal where they pay Canberra a million a year for all FBT on carsGraham