In looking back through the threads on this forum I see a lot of people who have come onto this forum when they have just started out with gyros and have been blown away by the ex-spurts. Some of these ideas may not be possible with current technology but this is where the future lays. I see a lot of these names at the bottom of the home page when I click into the ASRA forum yet they appear not to be game to post their opinions. It seems that this forum has become a club that is populated by the majority of ASRA board members and previous board members. If you guys are keen on improving interest in gyros there must be due consideration for new ideas even if they conflict with current theories and technologies, as many of these will be original thoughts. When it comes to personal insults to defend theories then it is obvious that the theory is not correct or not all the facts concerning the theory are known. If you cannot defend your theory, please do not resort to personal insults, as I shall be back to discuss my theories and my facts with you.Many of the threads in this forum appear to me to be gyro pilots discussing general life in a gyro forum. It seems to me that a gyro forum should be for discussing gyros; the problems, theories and experiences.Many of the people who chat in this forum are ASRA board members who appear to have conformed this forum into their personal chat room. It would be really good to see those new ideas and half baked theories back on this forum.
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Newcomers’ ideas, half baked theories and theories that don’t fit the facts.
Giday Peter, I think they may have put the general topics thread in for us to blow off steam about other things, but you are absolutely right. We are supposed to be discussing gyros, but sometimes the subjects run a bit low. This is like any other web site: you cannot take what you read as gospel. Some of the theories are right out of left field and some of the experts are not. Keep your topics coming as I read them with interest. Experience is better than any book. Ken
Peter,Have read your posts and find them interesting. I would like to let you know that not everyone on the forum is an asra board member and as far as the forum being a club, you are right!Its a club that is open to anyone, its membership is Australia wide and many engage in the club by sitting in a house in the middle of a paddock, giving their mates a bit of stick through the keyboard.Political correctness finds no nest amongst Gyro pilots, so dont be offended by Honesty.Technical threads, without pictures, are lost on trogladytes like me. When I start trying to see technical stuff in my minds eye, I start to hear irish music playing in the distance and gradually, the vison of a cow doing a jig on its hind legs fills the entire scene, a moth flys by, I chase it.... and I forget what I was doing.Flying, on the other hand, is quite fun. I could do that all day every day if only I could afford the petrol.Im sure that if there were lots of blokes around my place who flew gyros, at the end of the day we would all be down the pub, drinking grog and telling stories. But there arent, so I come here instead.It is good that another budding builder has joined the forum. I dont want to build gyros, I want to fly em.My early days of building a better gyro, proved to me that I was no aeronautical engineer (three times) so I bought a gyro much like myself, a little heavy, fairly docile with a few tricks up its sleeve and probably drinks too much and revs too hard in hot crappy weather.Back to your post! if you expect the forum to be about techo stuff, dont talk to the flyers....Most of them dont know how to build. If you talk to the builders, only a few know how to fly.... and the rest of us have a hard time tring to spell! Pictures are really really good!Mark.
G,day all, im not politicaly correct either, but my daugter was typing and she kept saying no dad you cant say that, otherwise it would have been worded different. I am on this forum for the same reason you are Mark and I reckon you too Birdy. I have seen one other gyro pilot in five years. I havent got the communication skills you have Birdy so If what I say comes across the wrong way, Tough (But keep those stories coming Birdy, you tell a good yarn.). So have a think fellas the other couple of Ozzy forums have dried up and this is all thats left for alot of people.
Birdy so If what I say comes across the wrong way, Tough Mate, i recon your a breath of fresh air.[ tho for me, your posts are a liitle over my head :-]That line bout PC certainly wasnt directed at you.I highlighted it coz i recon if we are go"n to have any hope of keepn gyro nutters like us alive, you cant dilly dally bout with pretty softly softly yak.Tell it as it is, if it offends sumone, at least youll know they got the message.