Punch in the right figures on to this web site and it will give you a ball park figure, may not be exacte as the banks differ but it is a start.http://www.xe.com/
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News from Xenon
News from Xenon
I just thought i would post this info for those interested.Now if only we had decent dollar conversions this would be great indeed.We publically annonce our 2 new entry level versions.To make our wonderful gyro more affordable, we and the distributors, have voted a more basic version. The Xenon have definitively made its proof around the world of its true qualities, as comfort, performance, high level of security / stability.Basically, we removed all accessories such as : landing light, strobes, leather pack, prop spinner, sound proofing, doors, 12volt plug, cabin heater, hydaulic brakes (replaced by front wheel drum brake), partial carpetting, Eco instrument pack, glare shield on instrument box, cabin overhead light, floor carpets, blade storage pockets.Of course as everything is still compatible, you can choose to add some items as options when ordering or later.
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