Gyro"s for grazing industry.........hire and reward, is getting known by more n more folks. had a couple of reeeel keen graziers ( Qld ) itchin to see how well these little beasts perform. Helo guys are goin to get a tad peed off.....for sure. ( currently helos charge out at around $300 p/ hr............yikes )Being unable to give any definative "start" date, ( gyros ) is frushtrating for em. ( legallity stuff )This protracted, time consuming, frushtrating, difficult project, has been in the main, headed by waddles, with assistance of other folks here.............well done.If anyone has any idea when this will all be .......signed, sealed and delivered......please cough up. ;Dcheers...........russ
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The word is getting about
If anyone has any idea when this will all be .......signed, sealed and delivered......please cough up.Dont hold y breath Russ.You gota remember who Al is dealn with ere. >$300 an hour??????????****, noones payed that much round ere for ten years.More like $400, + fuel.Wen common sence is the order of the day [ like usen gyros for catchn moos] there will be alota toes stood on, so alota money has to pass under the table to the aironazies before anythns go"n to happen.
Russ, it"s closer than it was, lots of work is continuing to try and get this 149 thing through and while we are not holding our breathe, there are signs of light in the tunnel in my opinion.Yeah, Its going to be interesting, I hope common sense prevails [once the new laws are passed] and pilots tread gently as they [pilots] need to get skill levels up and start learning a whole new trade and it does take more than
go spend a couple of months on a cattle station as ground crew Try a coupla years, at least.I know sum who have been do"n it for years and still cant call a cows bluff.Till you can, you should stay on the ground.I was being diplomatic Birdy, if you said "a couple of years" then most blokes would say stuff it and go hop in the gyro without doing the ground course.But, I agree, you cant get stock sense in a couple of days!!