Its that time of the year to re new membership and register the gyro again. A very important point that needs to be made, we have the situation where we have a seemingly pitiful number of hours flown in gyros that are submitted in every year. Now these low hours are NOT helping you or ASRA from doing a better deal and having a bigger shovel to belt the heads of the Insurance guys and also CASA.There is no way I reckon the hours are any near right, now, to try and address this situation you now have the hours flown for the past year all on the ONE page so its a lot harder to forget or loose somewhere. Now, I have been told that some of you are reluctant to put the true hours flown in case it is used against you by ASRA or CASA. I can understand this but you will not be penalized for putting the true hours flown if you happen to be one of the mustering fraternity.There is nothing in the questions asking if the hours are mustering hours. Please put the hours you have flown in the Private section plus your total hours flown in gyros in the accumulated section.So please, if you are talking to a gyro pilot, mention the importance of getting this info in for us and if they are reluctant to do so, get them to ring me.If there is one thing holding back your board for doing a better deal for you, no matter if you are a student /instructor/ social flier or a muster"er, then its this issue!!!I know there a