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Doing Our Bit For Global Warming
Brian, You might like to look at Desertec and expand your solar/alternate energy ambitions and make more "quids" at the same time; energy is underrated in this country. We have the best opportunity for all types of solar, wind, tidal, you name it.Power will be sold locally, and to Asia no problem, and don"t have to burn much at all. The world price for carbon pollution will soon be set whether we like it not, it"s just a matter of time.Get in now.Hoges
There is no doubt that energy and water are going to be the big money makers. We are looking into solar power farming and are going to get some crew in to give a quote etc after Christmas.Tony, if you wish to give me a ring on 0350295283 after 9.00pm I will give you the details although we are still in the learning mode ourselves to a certain degree as we have yet to have some really hot weather to test things but the initial tests are above what was quoted. We have a bit of mud in a line and we are yet to get it clear so until we get it working correctly, then we have to guess a little on that particular line.I"m just so happy knowing that I"m getting water pumped without costing an arm & a leg from the SEC mob.
You be [ VERY] careful who you deal with Brian. :-Iv been frign bout with it for 20 years, and am yet to find any commercial solar trader who dont want to shaft you. >Thats probably why i built me own solar/wind domestic [ house] power systm 10 years ago, with me own tracker, and plenty of other solar gear round ere.And it pisses off the traders that everythn is still workn, at a much more $$ efficiant rate than any of the crap they sell.
Ten years ago i setup 2 sun sub bore pumps, spoton, bugger all hassles in that time.This year i got anatha 4 and nuthn but trouble. [ 15k a pop] >
The above ground controlers are f$%$#ed. [ seems they cant handle 45c + ambient temps
]Why would they change sumthn that they had rite?Theres no rocket science init, so it pays plenty to study up on it. Do it yaself and youll be saven big coin.Note; those who recon that solar panels are enviromentaly friendly are fulla ****.Coz it takes the average panel over 25 years of full sun to produce the energy it took to make it.But they do save plenty of coin n time, and better the industrial areas get the polution than us ay.
Its an interesting fact but the panels loose efficiency once the temp gets up to 45C. We fortunately dont get many days over the 40C although a lot of heat is radiated by the panels and I reckon I can put some insulation around / above the controller to help with the temp issue.BTW, my mono man has already been in contact with us with a couple of options regarding the one pump thats letting the side down!Re started the solar pumps yesterday afternoon and I"m still in awe of pumping water without help from Country Energy.
Its an interesting fact but the panels loose efficiency once the temp gets up to 45C.Yup, and regulaters will only trickle chage wen the temps are 35 or more. IOW, all summer our batts are only trickle charged.We have bout 30 amps avalable with full sun, but the regs will only trickle 20 amps, only supplyn wot we are usen..regarding the one pump thats letting the side down!Geez, that didnt take long.Welcome to the techno crap world of solar.
Try telln these f%$#wits that it gets to 50c ambient and theyll get all confused and insist iv got a farienhite temp gauge. >
Poor sops have never felt any more n 30c, coz their airconditioned factories wont let it get any will get a surprise.Supprised i will be.