I heard today we had the 2nd warmest year on record. If I interpret this in the same way that the
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global warming
Here goes Horan"s Two Bobs Worth ;DOK, get onto the Bureau of Met site. check out the media release section and look at the "Australia"s Second warmest year" blurb. When you read it , it says since 1910, why? because only since 1910 has there been "High Quality data sets" oohhh, that sounds technical!So now, we are dealing with models that have 100 years of data instead of 160 (records start in 1850 but, I"m sure it wouldn"t make any difference, because they just keep manipulating the data to suit the model)So now if you have the time, dig a little further and you will find that the statement that Australia"s second hottest year doesn"t look quite right when we have a look at the data for the Southern hemisphere. The data says that the average temp is 0.18 degrees above the average. the northern hemisphere is about 3 degrees. so GLOBALY, Australia has had its second highest temperature, since 1910, using an average temperature derived from data collected between 1961 and 1990.
If anyone doubts the way something can be manipulated, check out Peter Spencer the Monaro farmer on a hunger strike just hoping that some of the 22 mill or so living here will wake up to the treachery that the fed and state govts have done to farmers so that the supports of carbon emissions etc can feel really good about themselves.The more I learn about this, the more I"m appalled about how good men can be so deceived that they are prepared to have the blood of some 500 farmers on their hands. The 500 farmers I"m talking about are the 500 who have committed harri karri after having their rights to manage their properties taken away from them with the ban on land clearing thats finally broken the financially and mentally!!You wont get the stats from the govt as they have been hushed up, why ? well, this will get you where it hurts, " to stop copycat suicides!"Its now pretty clear that John Howard & Senator Hill agreed to a quote " Non Committal Agreement" that meant that land was to be locked up in order that Australia would be able to meet its carbon emissions. This was ratified [the Kyoto agreement] as soon as Rudd became PM. Howard did a deal with the states to enforce the land clearing with a lot of money cause the commonwealth govt if they had done it, would have been open to farmers appealing though the constitution and also the feds would have been liable for the full amount of compensation !! So basically the states cant be done in court and can make an offer of whatever amount they [the states]
Many years ago a feller told me that because we are ruled under a constitution the we are here "at the pleasure of the queen and her servants".You never own your land!She or her servants can take it back without recourse - they can offer you recompense. In WA there was a road widening project (Garret Road in Maylands a Perth suburb) in the early eighties. So the govt put a caveat on all adjoining properties for a period of 10 years (if my memory serves me correctly) where no improvements could be undertaken and where the price for recompence was established at the start ofthat period. Now a relative of mine had a family problem where the house need to be modified and he wasn"t allowed to do it. They couldn"t sell the property and move elsewhere as the govt had the caveat on it.
I think it is time we all stood up against the idiot politician"s and legal participants that are rolling over the rights of us all in this beautiful country.Its not only occurring with the global warming concerns,its with the lack of concern for our farming base,our industry base,uncontrolled border entry,welfare base and destroying our heritage in the pursuit of a so called multicultural image.We are drowning in laws that are inhibiting freedom of choice every day.I thought that our past military pursuits were to protect us from this unacceptable way of life.Seems my twenty plus years militarily were for nothing.As I reach my twilight years I fear for what I am leaving for my children and grandchildren.Lets at least hope that the carbon credit fiasco dies a natural death while we find a common sense way to deal with global warming.My two bobs worth after seeing the foregoing contributions to the strife of a fellow Aussie.
Brian,You and I obviously have too much time on our hands, we must be looking at the same sites on the internet!When they strike, they may strike hard, but like most bullies and whimps, Im sure they will turn to water after a good one haymaker on the point of the chin ;DMark.. not sure about the time part Mark.Hope you are right but the NWO has been working very hard to get to this point. The IMF are also partly run by the NWO as well so they have clout.Havent checked it out for some time but I thinks the Bin Laden family [Obama"s mob] are part of this group.
For anyone who wants to look at what our kindly prime minister would call "information from the dangerous skeptics", have a look at this link http://www.kusi.com/weather/colemans.../81583352.html.It is American, so it is more likely to be information from dangerous SEPTICS ;DOf course Brian, My comment about the haymaker on the point of the chin was a metaphoric illustration, My point being the success that normal people had over the stupidity that the Government wanted to inflict on Australians with their "Carbon tax" and the urgency before Coppenhagen. We should never loose sight of the fact that we live in a democracy, all we ever need to do is make sure that at least 51% of the population makes the same noise as us.....and that some of us have the courage to start the noise.Mark.