Hmmmmm just seen some photos from the centre, all i got to say is you got to be happy about 99, ayyy damn thats a good sight.floaties for the mooos ??
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Whats Birdy gonna do now
Wot am i guna do now?Nuthn, for a coupla days.[ cept fix fences n watch the grass grow]
Was go"n to ring Cameron bout the warrenty on that hollow hole. 8 munths n no water. >
But now its near full, i cant raise him on the fone. ???4" so far, still overcast n proper muggy.
Been along time comen but worth the wate. Least i dont have to chase water nite n day for a while.
That"s a good rain terrific Birdy. Was watching the news last night and see the Todd running and thought you should have got a bit of rain. Its been difficult to believe you ave missed out so far. Might be more to come now, still looks good up the top end there the way the cloud forms.Did you get that rain all over ??
Shed? Wot shed?I got a [was] new 914 still sitn in its box, and now anatha trap yard to build [the little fiber tank in the bull padd split yesterday], so i wont be do"n much else, besides watchn the grass grow.
The 4" was ere at the house Brian, that dam in the pic is bout 60 odd km NE of ere, and the neibour on that side, bout 100km away had 5", so i recon there was more out there. [ must be proper wet out there, coz wen i was flyn bout, i found a strong cow boged to her eyeballs in spinifex country. Never seen anythn boged in spinifex country before.
She was only bout a km from a flood gate that was down, but im buggered if ill be landn there for a bit. If cows bog, gyros will sink outa site.Gess its ten years since the ground has been this wet, so anythn ten years and younger wouldnt know wot the hells go"n on.All the ones i saw would take off with their tails up wen they heard me, then go boongerup in the mud.Saw plenty of tracks head into the swamps, then nuthn. Either they backed out or dissapeared.
The SE corner seemed to have miss out, but i recon it got wet last nite.
Mite have to do a grocery run in the wasa shortly, coz the plenty highway is out. [ f^%$n thing is barely passable in the dry. >
Thats good to hear Birdy, although I too have never seen a cow bog in spinifex country, seen them bog in the gullies between the spinifex rises although your spinifex may well grown on the flat country there and thats probably just about water logged with 5 inches on it.You dont really want any rain [big rain] for a while in that case. Anyway, good on you, might loose a few cows but the ones you have will get real fat down the track !!
Im in searing pain as i type this. :PSpent the last 2 days pulln f^%$ barb wire out o the sand. [ hands are full of holes n splits n blisters n me back bailed up this arvy. :2 bites from centerpides and one froma inch ant, and a near miss witha brown snake, and i recon the sun hasa UV facter of bout 50+++ now] All my idiot neibours use barb wire in flood gates. >
Dont wurry them, coz they never have to pull it out wen it gets washed out.Im the only one ere that can move, so im pulln wire on me own. [ curse the damn gyros.]
Just one more of the many downsides of finaly getn sum rain.
Yeh rite Bones, like me rum swilln mates are good for anythn.Some neighbours would consider this a " restocking strategy".Well, if thats their strategy, they is proper idiots, coz everythn heads this way in the wet times. And i dont need that many killers. ;DGloves???Fairdinkum Brian, wot you think i am, smart?Ha ha to you too Angry.