The season here is the best its been for a real long time and I have been trying to remember how long ago it was that we had as much green feed as we do now have and its still going to keep growing for some time even if we werent to get another drop.We had over 2 inches in October followed up by over that this month and its hanging around again now, storms have been forcast up into next week. For the last 20 years, October has seen hot weather come in and whats been okay has quickly dried up what feed we had and by the time christmas came, the feed was gone and it was a struggle from then on till it rained. That scenario makes for a lot of other stuff like pumps running 24 hours/ troughs cleaning sometimes 4 0r 5 times a week, not being able to finish off the lambs, having continual duststorms and lots of way too hot weather plus killing off Rosie"s garden, she has struggled to make something of a inherited mess thanks to river water saltier than the sea and rock hard baked soil, anything she has tried to grow has mostly wilted under the pressure or just got too dry while we have been away so its been a tough time, not that you mind cause thats the way it is in drought times. This drought has been way worse than back in the 30"s that the old timers talked about and has seen good men wrecked, some not with us any more, families busted up and others with a debt you couldnt kick a football over.Thanks to too much rain and the Cooper being in flood, we have been home all this latter half of the year and we have got Rosie"s new rose garden up and running, all new fresh soil she picked out, posts in for the climbers, a flash watering system and tomorrow we put up shade cloth to protect the young roses and the garden from any hot dry winds we might get over the summer plus we have put in heaps of trees to replace those that didnt make it through and Rosie"s vegy garden is going just great, cause, its just the right time for it with warm humid wet conditions, the tomatoes are growing so quickly.We have pushed our country hard over that 20 years, banks dont stop wanting their [our] money to keep them on bonuses up in their flash refrigerated air con offices high up in the best parts of town so its been use what resources we have so its been a real fine line in running enough sheep & Boer goats to keep the cashflow going and at times we crossed the line and had to take a deep breathe till the next rain came just in time and
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Was I Dreaming?
It was great to read your thoughts on what has happened outback with all the lovely rains some of us have enjoyed.Having a small property on the coastal fringe so to speakl,it has not been a real problem for me.My small herd of cattle we feed hay to during the winter.but other than that we have not endured the hardships you so eloquently described.A member of the HVGC flying fortnightly at Bylong,the growth encroachment onto the runway has to be seen to believed.For the first time ,I think,we are having to do ground maintenance every flying weekend.Additionally,we have to deal with more cattle and horses of the owner in our domain so to speak. I wish your wife well with her lovely rose garden and trust that the future is kinder to you all out there in the backbone of our vast country.Best wishes from the Hunter.
Thanks for posting that Chopper , it"s interesting to read whats happening out there , especially about the weeds & the goats . It"s marvellous what a difference a garden makes around the home . I had to laugh when I was down in Sydney , one of the guys at work was talking about heading " out west " for the weekend , I said tongue in cheek " Oh yeah , where you going , Bathurst , Orange ......? " .
Talk about rain, we have had 126 points, started raining early this moring and its been steady soaking and the forcasts [ they a bit of a joke at times ] but they are talking more rain later.Thanks for the replies, much appreciated words, specially from you guys I have never met but certainly hope to, mayby next year at Burren Junction but it just goes to show the comararderie amongst the forum. The rain brings about a heap of stuff not having to be thought about for near 20 years, airstrips overgrown with grass
We have had a bit too much rain up here.This is normally our dry time of year and we all like to cut sugar cane and plant more for the next few years, but not this year.From the start of Sep till now we have had a bit over 1 metre of rain with higher readings in other districts.Strange year hey?Good job on the gardens Brian.Graeme.
"From the start of Sep till now we have had a bit over 1 metre of rain with higher readings in other districts.Strange year hey?"Most interesting reading country stuff. Our city news is more interested in disaster I guess. I think Henry Lawson was about the last person to mention country.We have had plenty of rain in Melbourne so everything is wonderfully green. I could use some of Brians goats, blackberry has taken off, so I will have to rely on chemical.Great to hear you are smiling out there.Graham
I cant compete with you Graeme but we did finsish up with a neat 2 inches and combined with Tuesday nights rain of 60 points, that gives us a great rain for this time of the year. A gauge at the northern part of the property showed 84 MM . The wheat farmers and grape growers arent enjoying the rain as its cause massive problems with quality and the grapes are full of mildew. The wise wheat growers got in early and got off the majority of their crops however, the ones who waited are not going to have a great crop.Its happy day here every day Graham
Enjoy it while it last Birdy. It gunna get hot soon.I dont enjoy it in winter time, why would i enjoy it now?I dont enjoy anythn under 35c. >Wev had record coldest avarage munthly temps for 3 different munths this year, and the lowest ever max day time temp [ only 6c] , and them nobs are tryn to tell us its global warmn. ???I know im only a SCG, but f%$# me, im not that thick. >
Gentelmen, start your engines, and fly the a$$ off it.We need more dinosaurs up there.
Well, we are doing out bit for global warming .........even if its only our house, we lit the fire, even though the temp has got to 16C, its just plain cold!! Its drizzling like you would expect in Ballarat.Been many moons ago that it has been this cool in late November. "Global Warming" is another way to get controll of the peasants and make money for the wealthy. How ridiculous to have a tax on something you cannot measure accurately nor can you see it ! [carbon tax]Talk about the emporors clothes, I see Mr Brumby lost his trousers...soo sad .... :"( :"( :"( and we will loose Ms Keneally next year and I see Ms Queensland is on the nose as well. Just so sad