Somebody has to say it!!!With all the record cold and snow across parts of Europe, the UK and the US, some are even claiming that they may have to cancel Christmas. We are even having snow falls on the Australian Alps - in December yet!!!!Oh the advantages of Global warming. - Where are all these tree hugging unwashed bus loads of Greenies when we need them most?
No announcement yet.
Cold Cold Cold
Cool here too Tim, most mornings a jacket is needed although a week or too the humidity was way up there but top temp was still only arund 36 C, a big change from the last 1o years of above 40"s C in December. Its just normal when you havent got drought. I see its going to be around 36C for christmas day so a very pleasant day it sounds.
Just got back from a coupla days, and the redbacks are a little pissed that im still usen [ their] the freezer suit at this time of year.Never took it off till smoko both days.Never got over 25c above 100".Fancy the dicheads who voted them braindeads into power in this country, wen they were go"n to slug us for causen global WARMING.First it was an ice age, then global warming, then climate change, wunder wot them uni student pawns will think up next.And dont forget it blokes, we are payn thier wages. >
It"s not really supporting climate change or the other side but here is an interesting technology news article;COPPER WIREAfter having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists foundtraces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion thattheir ancestors already had a telephone network morethan 150 years ago.Not to be outdone by the Brit"s, in the weeks that followed, an Americanarchaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a storypublished in the New York Times: "American archaeologists, finding tracesof 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors alreadyhad an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than theBritish".One week later, the state’s Department of Minerals and Energy in WesternAustralia, reported the following:
Dont nock their technoligy mate.Before Cooky got ere, they were go"n ahead in leaps n bounds with their techy stuff.They could throw a streight stick, throw a bent stick, tap two sticks together n blow through a hollow one.Wouldnt av been long before they woulda invented the gyro.