Yup, gess theres no money to be masde in telln people to flattn the tyres ay.
Me ol lorry, [ merc single drive body witha 24" crate] draged two trailers for 40 odd km alonga virgin desert road, loaded and empty, with 15 psi in the drives, 4 times, and never looked like stopn.Same machine is the only unit in the country to drag more n 2 decks upa jump up ere loaded, without a grader stiffbared out frunt.
Ol mate thouight i musta drove likea maniac to still be up his ass wen we got to the ramp. I shoulda been more n a 1/2 hour back. [ takes that long to snig it up with the grader.]Couldnt understand the relationship between a little power, the rite gearing and good TRACTION.
And its funny you mention a Zepher.Me old man went from ere to birdsvill in one, follown crows. ;D
