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Rob Cook Wins Prestigeous Nuffield Scholarship

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  • Rob Cook Wins Prestigeous Nuffield Scholarship

    As the subjectsays, Rob has been awarded the Nuffield Scholarship, its an Australia wide thing from memory and Rob will get to travel to the USA and a number of countries such as Brazil etc ....I cant find the email with the details but its a big deal!!Thing is with Rob, he needs to have continious care 24 /7 so he needs to raise money to be able to accept the award, so he decided a little walk down the Tanami track from the family home at Supplejack Station to Alice Springs would be a good way to toughen up a little [only kiding] and raise the necessary funds for his care"er. Course, we all know Rob is in a wheel chair at this point of time and a wheel chair and the Tanami track isnt something for the faint hearted. I reckon it would be testing just to walk the track let alone push your own wheel chair the distance but Rob will, there aint no doubt about it. Rob & Sarah are two very special people.Anyways, just letting everyone know. Details of where to send your donation will be posted just as soon as. I would normally have watied till I had all the details but Rosie & I were so excited when we learnt Rob had won the scholarship that we had to let you all know !!

  • #2
    Excellent news thanks Brian, Please post details of donating.Graeme.


    • #3
      I got an email today about this, i am just checking with Rob and Sarah, just making sure it is right for me to post what was sent to me, all i can say is,,,,,,,,, frig i got nothing to b*tch about, certinally gets your priorities in place i tell ya.Ok just heard back nd they are still setting up the account for donations, it has to be a trust acc, and trust me(not humour) they are not real easy to set up, but then Rob is going to send the details to me, and i will post them on this thread.Not trying to steal your thread Brian, but i thought it was too good not to share, the only thing is the pdf file i have is way too big to post here,(unless we can set up a one off thing? Webby) it has nice photos of Rob and Sarah and the boys, and an out line of his plans, very well put together actually.If any one wants a copy post here and i will forward it to you if you tell me your email add.


      • #4
        Thanks Bones, much apprciated.Most of you on the forum probably hasnt a clue who Rob Cook is, so to bring you all up to speed !! We first met Rob ,Sarah at the nationals at Lameroo, ...about 4 nationals ago..Rob took delivery of his Rosco 912 powerd open frame gyro and only just finished his licence a day or so before the show got going. Birdy had taken them under his wing to speak and it was pretty plain to see that Rob could fly that gyro so sweetly and very smoothly, looked like he"d been flying for ages and went on to win a few prizes in the competion agains a lot of seasoned pilots. To me he was as natural gifted


        • #5
          Just go to


          • #6
            Heard Rob On the SA country hour today... Nothing will stop that man. I suggest we lobby around Rob and get his message out there that he"s after funding. I have sent a few emails out to well off business people since hear about his need for funding to full fill his scholarship, Yesterday i got a message back from Dick Smith,Dear Trent Thanks very much for your long and detailed email.

