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  • NATFLY 2011

    It was a real adventure just getting to Temora. Took a Cessna 182 from Newcastle Aeroclub on Thursday and had to land in Orange for 1.5hrs due to bad weather. We then made it to 30 miles out from Temora and had to turn around as the cloud was just about on the deck. On friday I got up early and made the 5.5hr trip down in the car. Everyone should be very proud of the efforts made by our members. The gyro line up was extensive and impressive! NATFLY is a great opportunity to showcase and demonstrate the aircraft especially in some wind. The boys flying the Sportcopter, Butterfly and MTO Sport that did the demo flights that I saw looked to be having some fun and did a great job! It was great to meet some of the people from ASRA and the forum and appreciated the really friendly atmosphere. I hope there are some photos to post, as I was talking so much I forgot to take any

  • #2
    G"Day Jeff,Didn"t bump into ya. I was looking for your MTO so I guess cause ya drove I didn"t see it.Yer it was great, so many planes and them propeller driven rotary winged machines to. I took some photos but am in Hay ATM so can"t post them just yet.The KRUZ machines look nice especialy the new four blader and the XENONS look OK but I will never buy one.Special thanks to Temora Ground and Temora UNICOM.

