James I have been reading your posts on the RAF thread and just wish to let you know that your thoughts are rational, reasonable and necessary, otherwise more newcommers to gyros may buy the " Jim Jones cool aid " that is fed in great quantities by those who attempt to put a smoke screen up for RAF.I especially liked your reference to the "Ask First Society" seems there are not many members left in that group. For what its worth it was me that first started that training branch for RAF in 1992, until I realized that it was impossible to reason with RAF when it came to training and safety issues.Incidently, I very much enjoy reading Stan Fosters contributions and his passion for flying his gyro, which is not a stock RAF.Anyhow in that I have been made "persona non grata " on that forum just thought I would give you a thumbs up from this forum..Chuck Ellsworth
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Message for James McNeilly
James if you do somehow get to read my message to you here on this forum I am attaching a quote from one of the posters on the US forum: "I guess You are happy now huh James! see what i mean, ain't no one going to learn a damn thing if you bash them so much they can not discuss the issues! I personnaly think Todd should ban you from this area as you are already hurting it.thanks for nothing you a$$ hole.I am so pissed at your bashing it makes me sick!"Your message will get lost in all the static from the side that are against you....you may also find that if they can't ban you Todd may insult you enough that you will just forget the whole thing and find something more pleasant to take up your time with...As an example of Todds position I offer the following from this A.M.... "I always find that an argument is best presented by someone with first hand knowledge and experience. Obviously you must have a great deal of both, could you help us better understand your background and thus your deep seated contempt for this design?"It will not matter what your background is James because you are arguing in the wrong forum, I would hope that my background would suffice to allow my thoughts to count on the subject of RAF however it means zero to those who are blind to reason..anyhow it is interesting to watch you attempt the seeming impossible with that group.....Funny none of these RAF supporters will try and ban Chuck Beaty because of his opinions, did you read what Chuck had to say about how to measurs the IQ of an RAF instructor?Take care, and you did put up a good argument, but you are guaranteed to lose on that forum.There is one final question that you could end your argument with though and that is ask them how many companies they can name that have generated such hatred, dissent, damage to a segment of aviation and loss of people who are either dead or moved on to other flying machines?James, you say..... " Tim H and others - As for calling me an a ss while saying I should be banned for posting an opinion - I think you should be banned sir for not being civil." Todd only bars those who are in the wrong clique, now if you were to convert to their mindset you too could feel free to use any language you choose. Just go back and review the history and you will note that those who oppose RAF will get trashed and banned. Facts and truth mean nothing to some people.C.E.