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Quirindi hanger purchase -any interest?

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  • Quirindi hanger purchase -any interest?

    Some of you will know that there is a shed with a large storage area, kitchen, bathroom and accommodation for sale at Quirindi airport. This would make a great meeting point for all recreational fliers and storage for quite a few gyros as well as some great quiet open flying. If you are interested in being a part of this in some way or have some ideas on how we may be able to purchase and run such a shed please come along on Sunday 1st July 2012 at 10am.The asking price at this stage is $37000 with annual lease to council of $3000. I would envisage that there would be shares in ownership and/or an annual fee. Any ideas?? We do have quite a bit of interest and just need to get the ball rolling. I can be contacted on 0428 668905. Ian Carter

  • #2
    It"s a great shed. It"s just too far for me, sorry.

