in case someone else might have a need also. my last visit to the eye doctor in conversation he informed me of new types of lenses. they are :
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hey des, sorry i missed your post, yes i"ll take a photo and post it . nothing to look at from the outside,they look just like any other wrapp around sunglasses. i"ve had a further development with them. they are amazing to wear at night. i"m not a yuppy. it was a case of have started off with not long after i got them i was driving home on a long trip and driving into the sun when i remembered that i had them to wear . well i just kept them on and drove all the way home till about 8:30 at niight. occasionally i would lift them up and try to work out how i really didn"t mind having them on at night. it was great for the on coming traffic head lights, but nothing else was too bad to make it all uncomfortable. not long after that one day at work with my normal reading tinted hardened every day glasses that i wear, i had a hose and water and got splashed and the lenses to look through went all bubbled to look through. a visit to the optomerist says that they must of been scracthed on the tinting and the water got underneath that coating . says he hadn"t seen it before and that i would have to buy new lenses. they can order new lenses ok but have to send the frames to make them fit , go figure that!!!!!! if i wanted to keep the same frames i had to send them away for 2 to 4 weeks. those frames were tittanium almost unbreakable and the idea was to keep them almost for ever, so they sent the frames away, soluation was to wear the wrapp around sunnys for that time. and yes it works. i had them on day and night at work or even at home watching t.v. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. i"d take them off went only needed and that was to not let anyone think i was being a wank. for people that knew me and knew that i never wore sunglasses it was a matter of saying i was between glasses for a bit and the sunnys were wrapp around prescription lenses also.