Is it possible to get one? Cause damn near chewed mine off today ,, seriously it should be law sheep cockies not allowed to own nd run cattle, done a little job today in a "clean" paddock nd got a 13 yr old bullock numerous other gems nd about 20 of 12 to 18 month mickies. Can"t wait for a paddock they think they might have missed a few in , oh boy the joys of it all, the best bit is they still want to try nd do it the way they think "works" yeah, apparently 13 years of working
The best bit was the gates into a holding paddock right beside the gates on a road to frig knows where so he opens both set of gates, while floating around waiting for the mob to get there I fly up nd see it nd say Wtf why both gates open ? Well thought I would open the other gates incase we had trouble at least they be out of paddock, Wtf seriously gonna just let them go as long as they out of this paddock.Like I said I need a tongue transplant but he not need an ozzy dictionary
Ok rant over going for a beer 
