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Memory sticks attached to UHF radio to record voice? (Voice box recorder)

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  • Memory sticks attached to UHF radio to record voice? (Voice box recorder)

    As there are so many tragic crashes where we do not know what the pilot was experiencing in the gyro prior to the crash, I am suggesting we could have a cheap voice recording black box on a gyro UHF radio. The pilot last 10 minutes of voice conversation would be recorded. It may have information of what he is experiencing from the gyro prior to a crash. The UHF would be constantly over recording on a memory stick which does not require power to hold the memory.

  • #2
    Nice thinking outside the square Greg, but I"m wondering who has the time to be making radio calls in a dire emergency?


    • #3
      I am not taking about making mayday calls although they would also be reocrded, its just outspoken coments in those few minutes prior to a crash some pilots may yell out or say " $!@$&%


      • #4
        Yeah i sort of like the idea somewhat, though the thing in my mind is how and when does it know when it is gona be the last 10 mins of a flight?Sure we can get some damn big sticks now but i am yet to be convinced that the information would be recorded when and if it is needed.Take some of my days for eg. 5-8 hrs of flying, and it bet it would be filled up before i go home cause im always on the radio.. I dont know


        • #5
          Well then.......just keep ya big gob
          If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time


          • #6
            Hey Bones.... just tell Peg to go the ol" coot a glass of warm milk....


            • #7
              Bones,What Greg is talking about is those little gizmos which plug straight into your usb slot. It would fill up with recorded info at or around the 10 min mark, the thing begins to overwrite it self and would cycle through this all day until you shut down ops or pull the stick out. Speaking of which, did you have a "phat" time the other night Why would you even pick up the phone? Say Hi to Peg :-XI think being feather light and quiet robust, it could be a valuable tool. Someone like Daj would know how to put something like that together. I know when the Carter Copter went in important verbal information was recorded, with somewhat more expensive technologies.


              • #8
                Mr Carr,Nice to see you on stream, it has been a while..Have you thought of the use of a data logger? They usually have their own on board memory and batteries, etc.Might be worth a shot.Cheers,Nick.


                • #9
                  Mitch, that sort of explains things abit better then, and if it could be made to work then yes i believe it could be a valuable tool, if only for the training side of things also, like after you do a stint with a student, plug it in and let them listen to what they may have been doing with out realiaing????Mitch that situation wasnt the same when i rang you though it changed quickly afterwards


                  • #10
                    Bones,I"m glad you can recall the detail. I thought you might be in need of a memory stick yourself..... :-*


                    • #11
                      Mitch,The only catch with VOX recorders is that they usually end up being on all the time, especially when in a noisy environment.. Still a damn good idea to use one though, maybe without the vox switched on.Cheers,Nick.


                      • #12
                        Sensible suggestion Greg that every Airline and RPT operator in the world employs for unbiased and accurate post incident analysis.10 minutes of data preceding any incident where flight voice recording is all that is available post event has the time proven ability to contribute to analysis of possible pilot error or aircraft malfunction. Surely if a Pilot knew his last words could be recorded, he would attempt to blurt out relevant contributory flight info, if not words for his family.In the much more palatable flight emergency situation of suspected survivability, if not injured ego, Pilots may be keen to rabbit off mitigating information pertaining to a raft of contributory factors in the knowledge that contemporaneous comments of the moment are difficult to refute.Your suggestion of a very cheap USB port addition to existing and new UHF and VHF radio designs is timely. I suspect manufacturers of hideously expensive flight data recorders might not be keen to have a bargain basement USB stick (or similar memory card) option available for recreational aviation given developments at our end often travel vertically when both fiscally attractive and operationally viable.However, you suggest only voice recording and not comprehensive aircraft data capture so perhaps Big Brother will look away for now.Still, if Garmin, Honeywell, Avidyne et al were to collect meritorious requests from individuals and organisations such as ASRA and RAA for consideration of this new technology, who knows what may be incorporated in new transceivers?My Garmin 196 collects a raft of flight data in the memory for each and every flight. Combine this with your idea and our ASRA insurers might also be inclined to consider premium reductions for carriage of this type of equipment.Perhaps that"s a long bow to draw, but you have my vote Greg for USB port implementation.Mike


                        • #13
                          Guys,You can get a cheap MPeg4 video/audio recorder, brand new,


                          • #14
                            Hi All

